Yep, Computer Direct Dual High Resolution after James went on to G A S , still a bad boy, the transformer is an oblong 0 in solid iron with heat fins on top. I played it hard full range with the older ML Sequels and it lacked just the final oomf, I don't play Lee loud, but loud! I'd say it 'doubles down' in the ohm loading as well as the older SAE amps will. With the AR T-40's I've never heard a clipping like sound with the 200w +3 led light flickering or even steady
It's almost 30 years old and still makes me love it more and more, 1st separate amp I bought new, I hope it handles the new Summit panels (they don't suffer no fools) , if not, I know the 2400 will with class and James' Good looks!!
I know this forum likes a certain kind of amp and I just want to stir things up with my love, and I have many, I love my forgiving partner John and our 'girl' Katie, my love of the 'slabs' and the power they crave, vinyl...played on a Thorens...SAE gear!!