It wasn't that funny. Had not upgraded my parts storage to reflect the changes between Rev "A" and Rev "C" of the White Oak board. That has now been rectified!!
I have the 220 uF caps on back order at Mouser. I finally had to break down and order some from a cap pusher on ebay. The muse caps are just like crack, once you sty some, you just want more.
Dennis, Handmade Electroics is my first choice for Elna or Nichicon Audio caps. Don't discount the Elna line of RFS (Silmic II's). They are every bit as good as the Muse. Elna also has the "Cerafine" line. They seem a bit brighter.
Got the Blackgates from Larrt couple days ago, and now that his SP-12 is in HORN TEST mode, we can finish White Oaking his 700. Ya know Larrt, can't send it out of here without new outputs and drivers. the XPL's are probably on their last legs. I'll go with some MJ21194's and MJ 15024's as drivers. Should be playing tunes at your funeral and possibly your progeny's.
And I can almost guarantee the only WOPL with 8 out of the 10 electyros Blackgates.
DO YOU REALLY need suggestions?? Where the sun don't shine?? Oh man, JUST COULDN"T resist!!
I'm just extremely relieved about the SP-12. And yes I want to get that ego bustin, confidence wreckin F&^%$# SP-12 outta here. Like I said, sorry about it taking 7 months.
Half done..........jonesin for some astrowatts....... been awhile...........time to blow the dust ............ outta most everything..............downstairs.......and up.......