Found a pretty cool protractor a few minutes a go. Anyone have one? Would you pay that much for one especially made for your table tone arm combination. Welp here it is what you have been waiting on. We now go to a word from our sponsors. At volume of Mach 3. Have you noticed the commercials aren't as loud. I think the limit now is 2 or 3 dbs higher than the program. Doing a great job Mr. Pres. You have done something I liked. LOL may have to move there. Oh here is the protractor. Please hold for the next available operator. Music Ladeda Do you know the way to San Jose Ladeda. Over and over and over again. You just want to buy a GPS unit for her. Well on the plinth. Mean while Granny is back home beating off the indians single handed. Ladeda Do you know the way to San Jose Ladeda. Your estimated wait time is 4 minutes. Do you know the way to San Jose. Your estimated wait time is 6 miutes. Ladeda Rain drops keep falling on my head. Ladeda You are now number 2. Your estimated wait time is 7 minutes. Up Down Spinin wheels going around and round. Click