....i can smell it already....hope my l250 are gonna be happy....only 14 inch woofer.....but they were waiking up neighboors already....so....gonna have to control myself...ouch...gonna be tough ....have a feeling am gonna see cops knocking at my door soon...lol..need to change my front door and windows to soundproof ones...
yeap.....the problem is that they are made for noise not to enter the house /appartment...like close to R/R,hwys etc.....but the manufacturer told me he was sure it would work the other way around...from in to outside...so am waiting...
Not sure who Dr. Bombay is, but just looked it up. Says he is usually accompanied by an attractive female assistant.
I agree, it would beat waxing, then she can just sit on the woofer box and enjoy some more.
Not sure who Dr. Bombay is, but just looked it up. Says he is usually accompanied by an attractive female assistant.
I agree, it would beat waxing, then she can just sit on the woofer box and enjoy some more.