Thanks Mark! Hmmm.... just thinking out loud now.
The parts (outputs, caps, DCP) are coming tomorrow, but should I go ahead and work on swapping it out with the old one tonight? Can it still drive the original RCA/XPL outputs with no issue? At the very least, what I'm thinking is that by going ahead, I know the main outputs are "ok" as in they won't blow anything up - So I'm thinking that with them I can verify the WOPL installation is good or not? Thoughts, anyone?
Ahh... also... my favorite subject... remember that this 700 ser I is fully "stock", including the input scheme with the dual DC coupled/Cap coupled inputs. Obviously I do want to go with the DC inputs here. But also with the pots in line so I can adjust the input levels. Since those are only (right now) applied with the cap coupled input, what's the best idea? The last I remember was this below. Should this be how I do it? Should I just wire the two gnd tabs on the rca's direct to cap/star ground... or just the signal returns on the PLWO board.. or both? (or neither?)
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