Head azimuth

Alex SE

Oct 10, 2021
Thanks I will have to check my spelling Lol
or never post Lol
Never take a comments on Phoenix a wrong way. People here are most friendly and cool that you can find on the whole web. Guaranteed. And dont bother to check spelling, trust me, my English is far away from good. Main point is people understand you, whatever and however you ask, and will always help you as long as they can. That's how I see Phoenix. Unlikely some other forums where people can be very mean if they dont like your question or if you dont understand what they mean or if you're not agree with them.

Now back to decks. Yeah, those are 30 or more years old machines and can need some servicing. I have recaped 3 of my decks, not because it was necessary, but because they are about 30 years old. Some pots can be a problem, as you say and it's just to replace them. I start with checking SM and making a list of all parts I want to replace + some other things like soder wick, trimpots and so on. 50$ and P&P if free :)
Regarding polarized and bipolar caps, I do replace polarized with bipolar caps, only in a signal path where 0v is presented. I cant argue if it gives a difference but people say it's better with bipolars so why not. Of course, nothing wrong to replace with equal type. I think I'll recap my 2nd RS-B965 with the same as it came from the factory.


Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
Never take a comments on Phoenix a wrong way. People here are most friendly and cool that you can find on the whole web. Guaranteed. And dont bother to check spelling, trust me, my English is far away from good. Main point is people understand you, whatever and however you ask, and will always help you as long as they can. That's how I see Phoenix. Unlikely some other forums where people can be very mean if they dont like your question or if you dont understand what they mean or if you're not agree with them.
Everything you say is just right, but I believe Steve knew it himself too. :D

Anyways, IMHO, you did fine in telling it because if there is someone who still doesn't know how it works here about friendly jokes and sarcasm (which is unlikely, btw) then he will know. :)

Now back to decks. Yeah, those are 30 or more years old machines and can need some servicing. I have recaped 3 of my decks, not because it was necessary, but because they are about 30 years old. Some pots can be a problem, as you say and it's just to replace them. I start with checking SM and making a list of all parts I want to replace + some other things like soder wick, trimpots and so on. 50$ and P&P if free :)
Regarding polarized and bipolar caps, I do replace polarized with bipolar caps, only in a signal path where 0v is presented. I cant argue if it gives a difference but people say it's better with bipolars so why not. Of course, nothing wrong to replace with equal type. I think I'll recap my 2nd RS-B965 with the same as it came from the factory.
About bipolar caps in the signal path where there is 0V DC at both ends of the cap... (i.e. signal coupling capacitors, connected in series on the signal path)...
I seem to remember it was Alex/A.N.T. giving such kind of advice and, if i remember, he talked about an improvement related to the distortion of the actual signal.

Also, when i tried to read a bit of an electronics book, I seem to remember I've found the same thing about distortion mentioned.

That said, not being expert in electronics at all, I cannot know for sure if I told right or wrong things then any experts, who might like to chime in about this matter and explain it better, are very welcome. :)


Dec 6, 2021
Where the sun meets the rocks and the sea
Furthermore, if I remember correctly it was Aiwa that used some polarized caps in bipolar configuration (the known way) at some decks. If I remember correctly...

As for HUHs, well... my self I'm quite shy and go the formal way. Phoenix is exactly the opposite! And I enjoy it to the fullest! When I got my first HUH, I was laughing. Not a chance I felt offended. Usually, the answers are given in the very first posts. Then it's just chatting and thank God, Phoenix allows it! Forget about other places and enjoy it!


Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
Furthermore, if I remember correctly it was Aiwa that used some polarized caps in bipolar configuration (the known way) at some decks. If I remember correctly...
yes, you do remember right! there is a couple of 2.2uF polarized capacitors put in anti-series on each channel of the PB amp, just before the PB bias traps.
But, one of the modifies suggested by Alex was to replace these couples of 2.2uF polarized capacitors put in anti-series with one 1uF non polar capacitor.
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Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
Yes, Vince! Correct! (Thank God, I still keep my mind!)

If Aiwa chose to use bipolar configuration at the signal path, maybe it's a proof it does make some difference.
yes, your memory is fine! :)

as for my own memory... I have one of my AIWAs opened here on the table for a few months now, and a printed schematic just at hand... then it was just easy to check. :D