Just wanted to update the group on the latest happenings with Cathy. In another thread I crapped on it kinda by going into the problem with Cathy cutting out (no output) at high volume play. Lee sent me a new dc protect board and I installed her and the issue appears to be gone. I need to test a little more but am 99% sure it's fixed. Had the needles pegged last night and no drop outs. Issue seems to be contained within the original dc protect board. To be 100% sure I will need to test again recreating original conditons - drink a few extra cold ones and have a loud music enthusiast freind drop over for a listen.
That I am glad to hear. Scott thanks for handling that. The 2 resistors that Don said were shipped with the wrong value now appears to be the primary area of investigation. Looking forward to getting my hands on it and seeing if changing those 2 to the correct values does it.
BTW guys, I ran the SPICE model for the PL14_20 amp board all the way to clip and even in clip, the symmetry was amazingly good comparing the positive half to the negative half of the signal.
BTW guys, I ran the SPICE model for the PL14_20 amp board all the way to clip and even in clip, the symmetry was amazingly good comparing the positive half to the negative half of the signal.
So, can't let it out the door without a complete wire of the backwall. Couple output sockets have experienced a thermal event or two. Emitter resistors need to go, new silver hookup wire (thanks Dennis!!), what else??
Senor Joe,a minute of your time please Sir......Cathy has an "A"-A board. Gepetto mod on the back, standard value electro'... to get to the non-thump territory can I change the values to the latest "C" caps or to get the complete effect I need the latest "C" with the latest BOM??