It's been a while since I have done a pair of these but It's all coming back. Fred went out and got a pair of Tube amps and since his boss won't let him take any time off, he asked if I would be interested in building them. Of course I couldn't turn Fred down so he shipped them heavy bastards to me and they arrived yesterday (I think), and I put a couple hours in READING THE DOCUMENTATION which is like a 100 pages long. Yeah, and only a couple pictures.... I like pictures....... These amps are like 125 WPC and they run KT120 Output tubes. So it's got enough power (not for Lee) to get the blood pumping. I'll put a link to the site if anybody is interested in the spec's. Anywho.... I opened up the box and here are these gorgeous Red Powder Coated chassis' (nobody likes green anymore?), and he had the transformers done in a cream color and they do look sharp. I gotta go to my other computer to post a pic or two. While I'm gone feel free to give good ol Fred some shit about what sounds better, a tube amp, a solid state amp OR A FRIGGIN WOPL. Just kidding. He's got plenty of both. I had the honor of building a wopl for him but I think he just wanted to look inside before he donated it to GW 
I never liked the looks under the hood of a tube amp. Wires all over the place, 500volts to blast yer ass back to the stoner-age.... I'm gonna invent wireless wires. Maybe Joe will help me (Oxygen Free of course)
a couple pics in a minute or two......
I never liked the looks under the hood of a tube amp. Wires all over the place, 500volts to blast yer ass back to the stoner-age.... I'm gonna invent wireless wires. Maybe Joe will help me (Oxygen Free of course)
a couple pics in a minute or two......