You made a good point about inexperienced people trying these but Joe attempts very hard to keep everything up to date. Not being a dick man but right on the White Oak site it clearly states the advanced kits are not for inexperienced builders. This is why I would not even try myself (my eyes don't help either). Once these are together it's all worth it. Joe is constantly improving these and provides updates
The problem is... many people don't opt for some things so that's what makes it so complicated with all the notes and BOMS and whatever. There is a build level for everyone from a light refreshing to a partially modded to a full blown firebreather like your looking at. Your attempting the full monty and I commend you. You have to expect some trip ups, especially the first time and learning on the fly
I just think you are being a little harsh with Joe, he's pretty much on top of stuff and nobody cares about this stuff like him. However, he is not a huge company like Panasonic that uses automation in assembly and employs 1000s of people including a segment just for publishing tech specs and assembly notes. This is a one man operation
Don't think I am ragging at you man LMAO!!!! You know how many times I threw a socket driver or wrench while working on vehicles LMAO!!!!!! It always looks easy in the book but in application, shit happens that sucks. When I get pissed, I am like a raging bull and take it out on others also so I know all about when your at wits end, pulling your hair out and venting LOL!!!!
I commend you man, you have the balls to attempt this and I have every confidence you will someday soon be able to kick back and enjoy the fruits of your labors