David's Phase Linear 700B Thread

May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Jer, if he was foolish enough to send the rack handles..........um.........lost in shipping?????
Nice try AGAIN Lee. I was smarter than that. :grin: He's gettin BOLTS. Unless he wants to send back a boltless amp? Bwaa haaa! The handles are just on my avatar for the coolness effect of the pic. BUT........he DOES get the original driver board just in case. He should get it by Friday. That's what UPS told me.
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
If all goes well, and I like what I hear, I may consider sending my second 700B to be fully WOAPL'd. (Given time, money and resources of course.) The Third 700B I have still has the original Phase Linear logo on the transistors in the back by the fin's, (I wonder how old those are?) and all internals are original. Just putting the word out there. It will be for sale when I get my other two B's workin.

Lee.....if price with Jer on parts doesn't get too out of hand, I may consider seeing if you could put together a dual fan for the back of it to send to Jer? Maybe I'll even get a spare for my second one here?

By the way........if you end up coming up with a rev E board Joe, by the time he's done with this thing.......I'm gonna slap myself silly. :tongue3:


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Joe has something in the works, and will soon release it, but it doesn't concern the 700, we're good for awhile there.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Dave the parts bill total was 217.00. To tell how old those XPL-909's are the first two numbers are the year and the last two numbers are the week of manufacture, so a 7523 would be the 23rd week of 1975....


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
No need for sending the fan setup to Jer. It just snaps on the heatsinks, no fancy mounting on it.
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Dave the parts bill total was 217.00. To tell how old those XPL-909's are the first two numbers are the year and the last two numbers are the week of manufacture, so a 7523 would be the 23rd week of 1975....
MJ21196. Better than the original 909's? Those are in the old 700b i have for sale. I still don't know whats in the Mila amp Jer has. I think those were replaced at one time or another?
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Dave, a question Sir---- If the 21196's were inferior to the XPL-909's why would every amp we upgrade get the 21196's. I don't understand the basis for that question. The XPL-909's , which are re-branded RCA-DTS-411's are more than 40 years old and were a transistor made initially for automotive CD ignition systems, where the 21196's are specifically made for audio use and are relatively new on the market.

If it's a matter of trust, please peruse the DIY section and PM every member whose amps I have converted, and ask them if they are satisfied with what was returned to them. I don't do this for a living, I do this because I love doing it and for the reaction of the people who listen to their amps for the first time after conversion, it's very fulfilling to hear their comments and impressions. I enjoy putting smiles on faces and delivering more value than they expect. Go ahead , make a few inquiries, I encourage it, then rephrase that question and I'll be glad to answer it, completely. If you've been burnt in audio deals before, I understand your paranoia, I haven't been and therefore that doesn't come to mind. Make some inquiries, do your homework, then PM me with your concerns.....
You have misunderstood my phrasing sir. Let me redo this. It should have been understood as THIS: Please explain to me about the make-up of the 21196's. As I do not know the difference between these and the one Phase used in their amps from the factory. I want to become educated as to what makes these an ideal part for our mods.

NOT; "why are you doing this to my amp?" And NOT "What are these inferior quality parts?" I feel I have communicated well enough with you to know better. And NO I was NOT aware you use these in every upgrade. I have been a member of this site for a month and do not read every posting. This is a matter if simple discussion, back and forth dialogue and education. I was not getting upset at you or something for using these parts? I never even thought of it that way when I typed it? So I'm Kinda surprised here?

But okay. You answered the question, so all is well. No I have not been burned on audio deals, BUT I have had to deal with offensive type people when making purchases before? I have asked a question I did not understand, and was somehow talked down to regarding my lack of knowledge. That is NOT the case here, but I am sure those incidents with random strangers don't help my cause. However, I am trusting of you and Jer on this project, so for now, I think it best I wait until Jerr gets the parts, and has some findings before we pick up any further discussion.

BTW, If you could please PM me with the parts list I am receiving for the mods, so I know if I should consider adding anything and I have a full understanding of cost, it will be much appreciated.

TRUST me. Your time, knowledge and information is more appreciated than I can communicate from this keyboard. Along with Jerry and Joe's. Nothing makes me more satisfied than seeing a piece of craftsmanship such as the PL's, only made better sounding by skilled people like you guys. That's why I joined Phoenix. And will forever be a phase linear phanatic.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Dave, excuse me for being a little harsh. I've had a long week , make that 2 weeks, at 90 hours plus, I'll delete my post as after rereading it, it's not appropriate.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
If you'll look a couple pages back you'll see a complete parts list as mailed to Jer.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
It appears that urban legend was true.....An Anonymous pic showed in my e-mail, tried to backtrack the source, but was lost in a maze of servers eventually..........


May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Whoa?! The "mystery rack handles"! In a glorious blister pack? A photo? Some scientists are skeptical? Or merely a photoshop job? It's a question to a mystery wrapped up in an enigma. Will we ever know the origin? "Lost in the servers....." Undoubtedly, something for the phanatics to ponder for decades to come.......

No worries on the fan Lee. It was just a shot in the dark there. My main concern is for the health, safety and well being if my Phase. :) So it's not a priority. Take care, and don't work too hard. I finished 80 hrs the last two weeks myself, and things at work are rough right now for me as well. Damn midwest heat is making people crazy over here. At least.....more than the usual crazy....:confused2:


Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast
You have misunderstood my phrasing sir. Let me redo this. It should have been understood as THIS: Please explain to me about the make-up of the 21196's. As I do not know the difference between these and the one Phase used in their amps from the factory. I want to become educated as to what makes these an ideal part for our mods.

NOT; "why are you doing this to my amp?" And NOT "What are these inferior quality parts?" I feel I have communicated well enough with you to know better. And NO I was NOT aware you use these in every upgrade. I have been a member of this site for a month and do not read every posting. This is a matter if simple discussion, back and forth dialogue and education. I was not getting upset at you or something for using these parts? I never even thought of it that way when I typed it? So I'm Kinda surprised here?

But okay. You answered the question, so all is well. No I have not been burned on audio deals, BUT I have had to deal with offensive type people when making purchases before? I have asked a question I did not understand, and was somehow talked down to regarding my lack of knowledge. That is NOT the case here, but I am sure those incidents with random strangers don't help my cause. However, I am trusting of you and Jer on this project, so for now, I think it best I wait until Jerr gets the parts, and has some findings before we pick up any further discussion.

BTW, If you could please PM me with the parts list I am receiving for the mods, so I know if I should consider adding anything and I have a full understanding of cost, it will be much appreciated.

TRUST me. Your time, knowledge and information is more appreciated than I can communicate from this keyboard. Along with Jerry and Joe's. Nothing makes me more satisfied than seeing a piece of craftsmanship such as the PL's, only made better sounding by skilled people like you guys. That's why I joined Phoenix. And will forever be a phase linear phanatic.
Hi Dave
The MJ21196 is, bar none, the best commercially available TO-3 device available on the market for audio power output applications. The PL909 as Lee indicated was a selected Delco transistor, the only thing available back in those days so in many respects PL had to settle for what they could get. Well, unfortunately the heyday of TO-3 peaked (driven largely by the demand for high power voice coil actuators for 14" hard disk drives) and then waned in the period between 1970 and today so TO-3 choices are again, not that plentiful. Fortunately, the MJ21196 (and 93, 94 and 95 for that matter) have survived and actually are audio distortion rated and 100% tested for SOA. They are a wonderful device and should be used instead of the next best MJ15024 whenever available.

Hope this helps.