Well, I came across a very beaten up Nakamichi 700 today. Should have it in a week.
Don't know if it works or not, as it suffered a tragedy and fell off it's perch one day, causing a bit of damage. (well that's my theory, judging from closely scrutinising some pics of it.)
It was found in a storage locker along with some other audio bits, so who knows if it works or not. I do know that it powers up OK, and the meters flick briefly when done so, but no tapes have been tried to test it's functions. I'll know more eventually.
I'm dreading the worst tho' when I get it, even tho' I had one of these years ago, and it suffered a similar fate, and went on working fine for a long time, before it eventually caught fire! (... but that's another story.)
Anyway, see how it goes. (fingers x-ed)