Nice sore there stetter. As to pots and their affect on phase I would be surprised if you could ever detect it when listening.
The last 700 I built I changed the switch on the back for direct coupled or not configuration
So it now goes through the pots or direct to the control board. Will update you on phase shift after I run it though the analyzer later this spring.
I am always taking chances
If you don't notice it on a PL700B, you won't notice it on a PL400. Remember the S2 has a volume pot on both the 400 and 700. The turnover is out past 90KHz and is single pole so any phase deltas caused by this will be minor within the audio band. If you can notice it, raise your hand

And in the audio band, the phase is linear with frequency, thus the name "Phase Linear".
Also remember there is a multi-pole 20KHz brick wall filter in every redbook CD player. Given that this filter is such a low frequency, you can hear artifacts of this in frequencies around 8-10KHz and you will notice it if you play a CD containing multiple string instruments or cymbals in it. Then listen to the SACD version of the same recording where the filter is out at 80KHz. Night and day difference. Compared to what you put up with on redbook CDs, any phase related distortion of this amplifier input filter, is truly in the noise.
And don't get me started on the loudspeaker phase distortion...