If I had known that the GD fuses would be so damn hard to find here I would have either ordered them with the other components or I would have just changed the holders...
But what I really need to know is when do I remove that 10K resistor from the output...
View attachment 78292
14. Install ONLY the bottom most row of transistors, starting with the transformer side an MJ21196
in first column, then MJ21195 in second column, then MJ21196 in third column, then MJ21195
in fourth column.
15. Temporarily attach a 10K ohm resistor between each channel output and DC ground.
16. With the one wire from the DC ground bus bar to the chassis standoff tie point temporarily
removed, test for no shorts from DC ground or the B+/B- rails to the chassis. Test each
transistor can for no shorts to the chassis as well.
17. Bring up wired bare chassis with Variac and DBT.
18. Gradually apply AC voltage using the Variac and DBT. Check all voltages for proper values, no
shorts, no blown fuses, etc.
19. Check for 0V at each channel output.
If all OK, you can now remove the temporary 10K ohm
Added this note to the bring up instructions