AM Listening


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to the new Led. Jason Bonham is pretty good. No Moby Dick on this. But it is a very good LP. Jer haven't Bi amped yet and getting some good tight bass in the sound room. For a bookshelf speaker the 12.2s are awesome. May sell a pair of my wires.


Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Listening to the new Led. Jason Bonham is pretty good. No Moby Dick on this.
Celebration Day is pretty damn good considering the age of the dudes. And yes, I agree, Jason ties it together rather nicely.
This disc is getting frequent playing time in my household..


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Just put a CD in. I have no clue who it is.Somebody is doing some good guitar licks. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. I keep trying though. Joe Cocker just came on. I may not be feeling good. I do have a good life. With a lot of help from my friends. LOL


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Ever done a scud run. Very cool. No mess ups allowed. Your kicking rudder big time. You bank so hard it starts slipping air. You crank the yoke quick the other way. While 300 feet off the deck. You can slip 100 feet very easy. It is fun though. Never do it hung over. LOL
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Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to Harry's new CD. They said it was like the She CD. I do like it. You know it it very hard to shoot a perfect coat of paint when you have forgotten how. LOL I am getting there. I think. CD not as good as She though.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Larrt, if I get as much invested in my audio addiction as others I've had, it could be spooky good......


Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 14, 2010
Springpatch, IL
It's Beer Season!
Ever done a scud run. Very cool. No mess ups allowed. Your kicking rudder big time. You bank so hard it starts slipping air. You crank the yoke quick the other way. While 300 feet off the deck. You can slip 100 feet very easy. It is fun though. Never do it hung over. LOL



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
GMT it is in the AM. 4 hours now. 5 in the spring. Is that correct? Just took an ugly pic of the top of my plinth. The kitty litter had caused honey combing. So I had to get all of it out. Thought I could fix it. NOT LOL Listening in the garage. Need to put some different music on.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening To Shatner. If you sit back and think what a life we have. I'm sailing in the clouds with no place to go. Think I may restore an Audi A4 or A6 quatro. I had a 2004. A4. Heated mirrors and every thing else. There is one where I bought my other one. It would cruise. It was a very sweet driving car. Coming back from the VA. Carly would be in the left hand lane. Just cruising 95 mph. LOL I would start laughing. Would ask her how fast are you going? Oh my gosh. I'm going to get a ticket.

Ever saw Pineapple Express? I'm living it as we speak. I think I'm turning Japanese and I like it. Ask Jerry if I don't have it pretty good. Good wife. Pretty nice house I guess. Very cluttered. I am getting there. Great country that I can say almost what i want. Good tunes. Do what I want when I want. I like helping out these little record companies. Went shopping for a duplicator for a girl starting one in Seattle. Steven did you say the Tascam didn't work. What a life. I have lived a full life. When they told me I could never work again. I had to do something. I stay busy. I went the God route. Quit drinking for 8 years now. Couldn't do the meetings so I just do my thing. See with me God is someone I can talk to. I wasn't a bad person before. Just not the person I could be. I believe in karma. It isn't a question will bad things happen to a dark karma it is when it will happen. Sometimes I see mine getting dark. I have to back up and regroup. I'm doing my pay it forward deal. God has been very good to me. Never had a best friend. Had some very loyal friends I knew had my back no matter what.

Been buying silver lately. It goes down I buy more. All of my buys were under 30.00. Some gold in grams 14 grams or so.

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I like some of Ben Folds tunes. I think I have some Ben Folds 5. OK I'm done with William. Now for your listening pleasure and mine.This music I can identify with.

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Have listened to Joe for many years. Had a water spot on my marble sink top. Did pumice now blood stone. Then lacquer polish. Been writing a few hours now. LOL

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Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Thought I would do this this morning. <iframe src="" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

Life is funny at times. You have to laugh not to cry. We had a Beech 1900 crash in NC. On takeoff it started to to climb and fell right back killing all. So to find out why. Our fleet we had 30 days to comply with a full blown tail rig. They tried to do it without rig boards. Told them I wasn't touching them till I had the right equipment. I was finding cables stretched beyond limits. To stretch a cable when installing. You load to twice the amount for 24 hours. Then you drop it to 0 and start all over. I was either the dumbest one they could play for the fall guy or I was pretty good that the Feds wouldn't be able to fault the mech.s. I forget how many I did. It became a blur. Was working doubles 7 days a week till we were done. They finally flew a rig board in on a Lear. Try leasing a Lear and a crew to fly one board see what it cost. Everything had to be square in case the Feds pulled a ramp check. I had one I couldn't get the way I wanted. We started fighting about it. They wanted me to sign it off. I took the night off. Came back it was rigged or should I say signed off. I asked my lead how they rigged it. What I did wrong. He just gave me a look. What I didn't know wouldn't hurt me. One day the big boss was there walking around. He says to me it can't be to bad your smiling. I looked at him and said if I didn't smile I would cry. If you work at a maint. base for an airline you bust butt to get them to the gate on time. You make them money so you make money. You very seldom saw someone standing around with their hands in their pockets. I have pulled all the seats out of a 37 and had it configured with new seats and carpet in 3 hours. The same plane was rolling on TO and hit a Seagull on the #2 eng. We were going home and they called us back. Engine change. You have guys pulling and labeling cowls and panels. While others are getting the installed engine ready to pull the others are installing parts on the new engine. The fluids are running into drip pans no time to catch them. People covered in oil, hyd. fluid, fuel. The ones pulling will install. Mostly these guys new the plane. Knew what came on a QEC engine. No books till rig. The slowest process is running the chain falls to lower and raise the engine. The engine has to come up and go down level. While the engine is being installed others are paneling it back up and servicing. There were times you wanted to be a panel puller. They usually went home first. They also got a lot of crap jobs.

You have to keep life in perspective. Any job I had I did the best I could. That is what we agreed to when they hired me. I have done everything from cleaning chicken houses stoned out of my gourd. To making orange juice. Been a janitor to a lead mech. Never been to good to do any job. Wash planes I loved doing it. Using no brain cells being outside. Loved it. Goofing off. You knew where you were going to be and what you were going to be doing for the next 30 days. So you took advantage of the relax time. Then when it left you hoped you would be out with the plane doing ops cks and engine runs. I never had a fuel tank leak that I sealed. When you go tank diving. It is evacuated for 24 hrs. They take air samples to see if it is safe. It still smells like fuel. You take an explosion proof light in with you. For me I had to Keep fresh air blowing in there. You have to pick every piece of sealant out where the leak is. Many days chasing leaks. Some don't like doing it. I liked doing it. Rotten job so they left you alone. The most you would see a boss was them sticking their head in asking if you were ok or it was break time. You could still smell fuel for days after being out of the tank. Women loved crawling up beside you with Eau De JP5.

I always figured I had to do the crap jobs. So I could get what I wanted. Had some rules. Never think you are so good they can't do without you. Know when to take your drunk days. Give 110% on whatever you are doing. Do anything. Learn it so you can work smart. Never kiss butt. Never BS about your work. Last but not least. Pull a Tom Sawyer any time it is appropriate. Some very good tunes. Was asked how I became such a good mech. Don't think I am. I worked 27s for over 10 years. Still didn't know everything. Learn something new every day. Try very hard to be humble. Still doing PT. Heard mech.s talk about training people and not give the easy steps to the job. I would ask why. They would say so they can't take my job. Humans are so funny. I could watch them all day. Can't grasp the thinking. I wanted good mechs around me. Made my life a lot easier. People are to petty. I look back on my life and smile. Some very good memories. I hope and pray Tomorrow I can look back on this day and smile. Don't have to many bad memories. They were lessons I needed to learn. If your going to be dumb you gotta be brave. Even my darkest days I can say I took a very valuable lesson from them. I think about things mostly after I do them. If I have to think before I do them. It is a good indication not to do it.

Did the tube glow awhile today. Lee I think I got the best end of the deal. Thank you sir. Jerry my first amp was a Rotel. I liked the sound. Sort of like a Yamaha sound if I remember right. Sitting here exploring another realm of the never ending universe. As we think. Or is there an end we don't know about; can't see. Even comprehend. Were we put here for a purpose or are we just here randomly. A parasite to the planet earth. I get a little concerned about my world as I see it occasionally. Don't think jail nor death would change how I think nor believe. I figure I was put here for a reason. Haven't figured that out yet. Maybe it was to PO people. I can and do it on occasion. Is it by random or designed to do it. See when I PO people. You have to ask do I care. Probably not. Takes a lot to get me mad. Use to tell people on my report cards. The box that was always checked was Does Not Play Well with others. Still listening to PT. The reason I write this ramble is to confirm I'm one of the people who should not own a gun. Depression sucks. You fight it with everything you have. Not to feel that way. You can see it coming you try to stop it. My funks aren't pretty. I'm not manic nor bipolar. Modern pharmacology helps. My funks can last months. I medicated with lots of booze. The only way to stop it is find the thoughts that cause it. Mine is a chemical imbalance. Takes a long time to change certain chemicals being in play for 25 years. Oh well that is life. What can you do when you live in a shoe. Bye


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
So far I have ripped 1 week 3 days and some minutes of music onto the puter. Haven't felt good for way over a year. Started taking an old IBS med and dude I have done more in 2 weeks than I have in 2 years.Right now just streaming music from the puter. Scooter engine sitting on my table. Ever had a tin foil hat? I have a tinfoil house and garage door. Really it is reflective mylar. Going to start. These wav files sound better than Spotify. What do you do when you live in a shoe? Just tuned into some Alice Cooper. Well Sammy showed up on the list. Felt Like Joe "Analog Man" Joe can be profound if he wants to be. How has the big bad world been treating you? Steven I'm thinking. I don't rush anything.
Karma HMMM At times there are forces of equal to or greater than working. You can be the biggest atheist of all; but the Karma can make you go HMMMM. For every action there is an equal reaction. You wanna blow a persons mind. Let them get in your face. Just crack up laughing and walk away. Zen had some good teachings. The Indians with their earth and mystic beliefs. Forgot the Dynaco. I feel I'm protected. God loves a fool. The Indians didn't mess with you. 2 bricks shy of a load. Let us discuss beliefs. Christ taught how to be a good human. Give, honor, love, truthfulness, forgiveness. Do nothing to another man you would not want to be done onto you. The Indians everything had a soul. You gave back more than you received in every part of your life. Far Eastern Respect is the teaching. What is the difference in all of these? No difference. All have spiritual guides. Prophets they shaped their lives after. They believe in communication. Meditation, Prayers, Chants. Do they all try to achieve a goal of being one with the superior being? They all teach forgiveness. They do not reward evil.
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Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights