a question about amp conections


New Around These Parts
Sep 9, 2020
San Diego, CA.
Music Lover
Some may consider a 700B or Series II (and 400's) a WOPL if it has a White Oak Control Board, but myself, I don't consider it a WOPL until it's been rebuild with ALL White Oak Upgrades. i.e. White Oak Back Planes, AND a white Oak Control Board and wired according to the White Oak Wiring/Grounding scheme. Although, the White Oak control board gives you many benefits, you don't get the full "E" ticket ride until they are ALL implemented together. Throw in a WattsAbundant DC Protection board, a WO Light Board/Meter Boards and all the little bits of hardware and you now have yourself a contender (actually, it murders any other contender). Until you get rid of any vestiges of the original amp, you are waiting for a catastrophic failure which can cause damage to your speakers/amp/home................ A half upgraded amplifier, IMHO is NOT a true WOPL.................... But.... Then again, what do I know??? I have only built about 100 of them. :)
Great reply Thank You. Can I call you Sniffer?


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
The Sniff--- brutally honest with a dash of asshole

And I've been drunk since 8:00 am YESTERDAY, started off with bailey's and coffee at breakfast, stopped at 10:pm last night, drove 130 miles, woke up, pumped my wells and back at Old Chicago this afternoon fixin the hangover...what a weekend.


New Around These Parts
Sep 9, 2020
San Diego, CA.
Music Lover
Anything but "Late for Dinner"
Hi SNIFFER this might sober you up!!! I met a cat in San Diego CALIFORNIA his name is Mike Zuccaro "THE AUDIO CRAFTSMAN". When asked can you help me with my Phase Linear P3800 he asked what's wrong with it, I told him how it has noise in one channel he said sounds like a transistor. I said OK how much to check it out he said $80.00. I said great and droped it off to him and asked how much to replace the capacitors he asked why? I said I herd they have a life of around 20 to 30 years. He told me that was incorrect and that they rarely go bad. But he told me he would test them as well. Now I have not received any word back yet, I am waiting anxiously!!! Now please undestand I am not trying to ruffle anybody's feathers. I have herd this info about capacitors from many different articales as well as forums etc, that is capacitors have this service life. I have even herd they have a shelf life as well. I will update this reply as soon as I here from as quoated "THE BEST TECHNITION ON THE PLANET" Unquoate. HUH!!!

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
Sober ME up??? That was Lee.

Caps Leak, dry out, whatever. Everybody has a theory. They also drift... It's just as easy to change out the ELECTROLYTIC caps than try to test them all in the circuit. I myself, I'm changing them. I hope he doesn't "Camp Out" on your pre........ Transistor??? Maybe, Opamp Maybe...... Electrolytic cap, maybe........ Or???? Noisy Power Supply???? Could be.......

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
OH, and the quality of components from 50 years ago is better too. Plus, customers ask for a recap, why not give it to them? I'll have to settle this by documenting the tests on a pre, and then change out only E-Caps and then test again.... I'm willing to bet there is a difference for the better.

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
When you asked for the price of a recap, and he said "WHY", I would have went elsewhere. If you sent it to me, and asked for a paint job/knob polish/recap, I would have said "Yes sir", and the same to anything else you asked for (Outside of a Remote Volume install which is a PITA).


Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 24, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
FYI from his website:
"Factory Authorized McIntosh Service-The only Authorized McIntosh servicer in San Diego County-(and for good reason!)

"The best technician on the planet!" (Jim Bongiorno,Chief Engineer, Dynaco,SAE,Sumo,G.A.S).

Since about 1975, I've been repairing and restoring vintage hifi and stereo gear-both tube and solid state-,commercial and musical instrument amplifiers, juke amps, and even antique radios. Another specialty is high end,three motor reel-to-reel machines, (such as Ampex, Revox,Crown, Berlant/Concertone,etc.). Thousands of original service manuals and Sams Photofacts in stock.
I've done thousands of units for thousands of customers. I can work on ANY brand of gear, even gear made by companies that are long out of business. I'm NOT a dealer,I dont sell anything nor am I looking to buy your equipment. I just want to repair it quickly and at a price we can both live with.
I work on every unit personally-no helpers,no students, just me. And I stand behind what I do with a better than 99% success rate over the last 15+ years. The odds are VERY good I can do it when no one else can-or wants to-fix your unit. If you've been told "It can't be fixed,the parts are no longer available, I can't get a schematic, they're out of business,etc", call me.
EXCEPTIONS: NO casstte decks, no record changers (good quality manual and semi-auto 'tables are fine), no DVD or CD players (other than McIntosh, of course).
Just SOME of the brands I've worked on:Fisher,Scott, Heathhit,SWTPC(Southwest Technical Products Corp)GAS (Great American Sound), Marantz,Accuphase,Sumo, SAE (Scientific Audio Electronics),Harman-Kardon,Sherwood,Kenwood,Mitsubishi,JBL (James B.Lansing),Hafler,Revox,Crown,Sansui, Pioneer,Phase Linear,Leak,Quad,Teac/Tascam,Acoustech, C/M Labs,Bogen, and dozens more.

Another specialty is jukebox amplifiers. Seeburg,Wurlitzer,Rock-ola, AMI,etc. Call me,I've worked on them all, and I'm NOT afraid of the latest solid state units.
I do ALL high end tuners-Marantz 10B and 20, 18 and 19, Sequerra FM1, Scott 4310 and 4312,Fisher FM1000,etc. A specially modified Sound Tech multiplex generator capable of over 45+dB of separation is on the bench with a Sound Tech distortion analyzer.

I dont sell parts or manuals or give tech advice. Got enough to do around here just fixing stuff."

8795 Corvus place
San Diego, Ca 92126-1920
Phone: 858-271-8294,email:mjzuccaro@aol.com

Hours: 7days a week, Monday-Friday 8am to 9pm, Saturday and Sunday by appointment. Much better to call me than to email.


New Around These Parts
Sep 9, 2020
San Diego, CA.
Music Lover
FYI from his website:
"Factory Authorized McIntosh Service-The only Authorized McIntosh servicer in San Diego County-(and for good reason!)

"The best technician on the planet!" (Jim Bongiorno,Chief Engineer, Dynaco,SAE,Sumo,G.A.S).

Since about 1975, I've been repairing and restoring vintage hifi and stereo gear-both tube and solid state-,commercial and musical instrument amplifiers, juke amps, and even antique radios. Another specialty is high end,three motor reel-to-reel machines, (such as Ampex, Revox,Crown, Berlant/Concertone,etc.). Thousands of original service manuals and Sams Photofacts in stock.
I've done thousands of units for thousands of customers. I can work on ANY brand of gear, even gear made by companies that are long out of business. I'm NOT a dealer,I dont sell anything nor am I looking to buy your equipment. I just want to repair it quickly and at a price we can both live with.
I work on every unit personally-no helpers,no students, just me. And I stand behind what I do with a better than 99% success rate over the last 15+ years. The odds are VERY good I can do it when no one else can-or wants to-fix your unit. If you've been told "It can't be fixed,the parts are no longer available, I can't get a schematic, they're out of business,etc", call me.
EXCEPTIONS: NO casstte decks, no record changers (good quality manual and semi-auto 'tables are fine), no DVD or CD players (other than McIntosh, of course).
Just SOME of the brands I've worked on:Fisher,Scott, Heathhit,SWTPC(Southwest Technical Products Corp)GAS (Great American Sound), Marantz,Accuphase,Sumo, SAE (Scientific Audio Electronics),Harman-Kardon,Sherwood,Kenwood,Mitsubishi,JBL (James B.Lansing),Hafler,Revox,Crown,Sansui, Pioneer,Phase Linear,Leak,Quad,Teac/Tascam,Acoustech, C/M Labs,Bogen, and dozens more.
Another specialty is jukebox amplifiers. Seeburg,Wurlitzer,Rock-ola, AMI,etc. Call me,I've worked on them all, and I'm NOT afraid of the latest solid state units.
I do ALL high end tuners-Marantz 10B and 20, 18 and 19, Sequerra FM1, Scott 4310 and 4312,Fisher FM1000,etc. A specially modified Sound Tech multiplex generator capable of over 45+dB of separation is on the bench with a Sound Tech distortion analyzer.

I dont sell parts or manuals or give tech advice. Got enough to do around here just fixing stuff."

8795 Corvus place
San Diego, Ca 92126-1920
Phone: 858-271-8294,email:mjzuccaro@aol.com

Hours: 7days a week, Monday-Friday 8am to 9pm, Saturday and Sunday by appointment. Much better to call me than to email.
Thats him got my preamp back today $220.00 latter I have not had a chance to try it out but will get back to you all as soon as I do.He replaced one op amp (5534) one elect cap cleaned all switches and pot's checked all inputs resoldered several loose cracked solder joints and measured outputs and tone controls. All that was on a sheet of paper he gave to me of work he performed on my Phase Linear P3800. I hope like HELL it sounds good when I hook it up. Oh sorry Sniffer for accusing you of being drunk. Like I said I am new at this. I will do my best to reply to the correct poster. Talk at you soon.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 24, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
Feelings???? I got none left. The Ex took that along with the house, the Jeep and any dignity I had left (Oh, and $75 a month of my Military Retirement.).
Ouch, now I know why you are pissed off all the time. I would be too. My ex didn't get my military retirement, the judge was ex-military. I did have to pay court costs though, so I paid $5 a month for 5 years (they never said HOW I had to pay it...).

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
Ouch, now I know why you are pissed off all the time. I would be too. My ex didn't get my military retirement, the judge was ex-military. I did have to pay court costs though, so I paid $5 a month for 5 years (they never said HOW I had to pay it...).

I got lucky. After 10 years in the service and being married, she was entitled to half of my military ret. I kept her tied up in court for so long and her lawyer dropped her, she had enough and signed my offer. $75 a month is nuthin.... Compared to what could have happened.