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  1. stuwee

    Git a funny for ya's

    skyjack DUI, redrecks rule!!
  2. stuwee

    Flanging anyone?

    Sounds like fun, I'd love to try this.....http://www.websters-online-dictionary.o ... Search#922
  3. stuwee

    Ladies and Gentlemen, the Tenor Audio 350M..... Jerry you should love this beast, output determined by the wall voltage, 100 amps continuous, no problem welding up a car chassis while you listen to tunes :whax: :whax: :lol:
  4. stuwee

    Album Art Exchange

    Just found this cool site, many, many nice scans for O/C folks like me :albino:
  5. stuwee

    Hell freezes over

    It's the end I tell ya..... ... 002e0.html
  6. stuwee

    Teena Marie R.I.P. girlfriend

    We lost one of the greatest singers of all time today :cry: :cry: :cry: ... eena_marie
  7. stuwee

    Just a Q

    Funny thing happened last night, I came home from dinner and Dale was listening to the AKG 'phones on the main rig, through the Marantz receiver??? We use it as a pre (pre/out main/in jacks disabled) so I was shocked :o that it was working. Looking closer he had them plugged into the dubbing...
  8. stuwee

    Hehe! Gaydar alert Trekkie fans.......

    This rocked my last good nerve! NIN meets Spock and Jim :cheers: ... ls%20video Enjoy! Craig :bootyshake: :lichmalignus: :whax: :lichmalignus: :lichmalignus: :whax: :bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake:
  9. stuwee

    Ever seen his bad boys before?

    I can't remember where I grabbed this pic from, I know the power meters are from a '56 Chevy, to cool for school!
  10. stuwee

    'Pretty Hate Machine' remaster

    Trent is having it done finally after a lot of BS with the original, amazon should have it on vinyl soon, I for one am looking to grab this, I only had the CD wich sounded pretty good, hope he gets around to doing 'Broken', info... ... w-artwork/
  11. stuwee

    Happy holiday week to ya'll

    Wishing all my buds here a great Thanksgiving week, be safe, cheer the Cowboys on :cheers: , have a big piece of pie for me! Love you guys and your families too. Craig
  12. stuwee

    Shout out to Sam....need a hand

    Craporola, the TEAC is acting up again, it seems to have a problem when you play the first side of a tape, It did this once before, then again tonight, munched up a good MX-G, I think it may be heat?, the transport gets hot after a long play session, I'm at a loss as to why this would happen...
  13. stuwee

    Okay all you HoHaa's

    Cowboys are whaT? 1-7, how embarassing is it to have a 1 Billion statium and have have the fans in the stands have bags over their heads?? Gotta love a fan!
  14. stuwee

    Happy 70th B'Day John Lennon

    Thanks for all the tunes and the memories :bigsmurf: Happy 35th B'Day Sean Lennon too!! :brilsmurf:
  15. stuwee

    Kelly Osboure is smokin' hot!

    :love10: Wait for the vid clip to load....she looks fabulous, Dang, I'd hit on that :twisted: and ya'll know I don't say that often. What a cutie pie, and rich too :love6: :love10: !!
  16. stuwee

    Scarey last night

    Wicked weather in stuville.....hail, winds, twisters. ... rn_weather Pic 7 in the slideshow, was what I saw at 4pm in Tucson, then this pic was PHX an hour and a half later, hail as big as golfballs. We never get nasty storms this time of year. It's the...
  17. stuwee

    Roger Waters - The Wall tour

    Some pics of the Chicago show I stole from another site. The Wallheads all seemed to have loved it :hippy2:
  18. stuwee

    New Ben Folds out today A coraboration with Nick Hornby, too kewl!! Apparently the vinyl comes with the CD, and is the one to get. I heard rumors that Ben was posting over on Audio Karma asking questions about Lp pressing, since I'm banned, can anyone please do a search over there and post...
  19. stuwee

    Happy Birthday Broonsbane

    A super duper 47th to ya Mike!! :pottytrain3: :occasion2: :grommit: :booty: :evil3: :spam2: :cheers:
  20. stuwee

    Hey Rush fans

    2112 and Moving Pictures out on HD Bluray soon, ... u-ray/5389 interviews, cool footage and more....