Search results

  1. stuwee

    I'm back in the 21st century again

    :rabbit: finally!!! That disk Jerry had me burn did the trick, it had to be an image file tho, and I had to find the software for my friend to burn it, then get Dale to make sure it installed correctly. I now have the Dell on my Grandpa's desk in my Love Lounge, my skinny butt is sitting on...
  2. stuwee

    More blessings

    I seem to have misplaced my cruddy digital camera, I put it in a box and my OCD must have taken a break, anyhoo, Mom comes to the rescue, she gave me Grandpa's Contax III from the 50's, if you know anything about vintage cameras, other than a big buck Leica, these Contax with the Carl Zeiss...
  3. stuwee


    I'm on my way to the USPS to pick up my orphan Celestion's mate that Nando sent me :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: I'l have stereo again :thumbright: :thumbright: :laughing8: :laughing8: :blob4: :blob7: :blob4:
  4. stuwee

    I got some 'New' stuff

    I had no takers for my collection of vintage British Car mags on CL, so I shleped them to the local used bookstore and got $70 in trade credits!! Got the following gems: Siouxsie and the Bandshee's...'Tinderbox', 'Peepshow', 'The Rapture', 'Superstition' k.d. lang...'All You can Eat', 'A Truly...
  5. stuwee

    P mount Shure up for grabs

    I'm offering some karma to a fellow PAC'er, it's a M97XE. I don't have an arm to hook it to, NOS in the original box with instructions, first to post that has a P-mount arm gets it :D
  6. stuwee

    Amp grounding

    I thought my big Yammie had a grounded 3-prong plug, but apparently it doesn't, I know some amps do and some amps don't, and if it ain't broke don't fix it :rabbit: Takesue (sp), John in OR grounded his Pioneer receiver, so John if you see this, why? and how? Just curious
  7. stuwee

    I get to meet Dingus

    I'm very excited, I got a message that Scott is coming to Arizona, and plans on coming down with the Mrs. to see Tucson as part of their trip :cheers: I get to hook up with them, show them around town and have a great time!!
  8. stuwee

    Lookie what I found...

    Going though the never ending piles of stuff I still have, I found this little gem :cherry: A gen-U-ine TDK calf's leather coaster :brilsmurf: , very cool! Not for sale at any price!!!
  9. stuwee

    Happy B' Day Fairchild!!

    :occasion1: :occasion9: :occasion4: :occasion9: :occasion7: , Watch out for my blow tickler!! A little birdie with a bald head and mirrored sunglasses told me it was your Birthday, so happy, happy you old dawg :cheers: Have a good'un!! :hippy2: :laughing8: :laughing8: :hippy2:
  10. stuwee

    This Tomcat came by to say hello today

    He was one of Anniepoo's friends, he'd come by and they'd sniff each other, then he'd eat any food she left from the night before in her dish (it was always right where that pic was taken). I was at the 'puter and heard him meow'n, I guess he misses her too :cry: He's a beautiful Calico Bad Boy!!
  11. stuwee

    Some nice EPI's on CL, should I??

    a pair of M90's for $100, I always heard they were pretty nice stuff," onclick=";return false; I could have Mom give them a listen she has great ears (she got the ML's for me), they're way down south of Tucson close to her...
  12. stuwee

    Let's see what happens....

    Hmmmmmm.....a solid concrete wall, a Ford Focus doing 120mph.... :pirate: If you can identify any body parts besides the female crash dummys hair you get bonus points :thumbright: ... more-89578
  13. stuwee

    We had to put Anniepoo down last night

    To the Rainbow Bridge she had to go :cry: :cry: She was in a lot of pain, the vet saiad her heart sack was full of blood, could have been from a tumor, she was 14, Dale had since she was a puppy, I only knew her for the last 7 yers. She was am active fetcher till the last days. She would...
  14. stuwee

    Cassette's are making a comeback

    Another nice article on some of our (here at Phoenix Audio Tape Company) favorite medium!! ... sseurs-wsj
  15. stuwee

    An incredibly sad day for race fans

    Dan Wheldon, Indy car champion, and just an all around nice guy passed away after a horrific crash at Las Vegas, ... car-wp4538 , I was watching live and had to do some other things, just got back and heard the news :cry: :cry: :cry: , IRL did the...
  16. stuwee

    Goodbye to a old friend

    I sold the Marantz 2270 last night, for half what they're going on ebay for, she served me well since 2005 :cry: :cry: , oh well, I'll find another someday, I have a thing for that sonic signature and those pretty blu lights... :wave: she went to a nice feller, he's just going to redo the...
  17. stuwee

    Welcome Myk

    Hello, welcome to the forums :wave: , looking forward to getting to know you, we're a friendly bunch, and not as rude as we sound like in some of the posts, we have fun. Craig :color:
  18. stuwee

    Audio Alchemy DLC pre and upgraded power supply for sale

    You guys should check this bad boy out! ... Controller)-Line-Level-Pre-amp-upgraded-power-supply It's a very good price, and the seller is a great guy :thumbright: Larry, he's using Cary amps with it...
  19. stuwee

    Happy Birthday tapepath aka Ken S.

    HAPPY B'Day Ken !!!! Hope ya have a good'un!! :D :occasion9: :occasion1: :occasion4: :occasion5: :occasion9: Do watch for my bow tickler, it has a mind of it's own sometimes :laughing6: :occasion9:
  20. stuwee

    Awesome RAOK from Larry

    :cheers: Yea!!! # CDs!!!! Heart's Greatest Hits, remastered by Steve Hoffman, Gold CD :love4: Essential Eric Clapton, live in Europe in the 70's :thumbup: :thumbup: Chickenfoot III blues masters :toothy7: :toothy10: :toothy7: Thank you Larry!!!! :love8: I can hardly wait to give...