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  1. stuwee

    Congrats Rex!!

    Our newest 500 post member :thumbright: , you get a gen-U-wine bronze plated medel for your riveting posts!!
  2. stuwee

    Kemit and Miss Piggy take on Fox News ... r_embedded Pretty funny stuff
  3. stuwee

    Pilot 690 Preamp/Tuner

    I snagged this post from the Pilot forums. This is the unit from my old console, thought ya'll might like to read it, Jim, the poster is looking for some Fairchild gear... Just upgraded Pilot 690 Tuner/preamplifier and I have to say, with all > respect to Pilot collectors and the Pilot sound...
  4. stuwee

    Another Stevie thread

    Last night was the anniversary of the loss of one of the loves of my life, that's why my posts are a bit strange, so I finally found this... ... re=related two drugged out messes diggin' each other, that was me and him, we knew Stevie and Lindsay, waaay...
  5. stuwee

    Put on your fav trippy music on and watch this

    ... ,
  6. stuwee

    AW Jeeze

    Well the Denon started chirping today, it's a very funny sound, I haven't heard anything like it before, at least it isn't munching $100 MA-XG's :cheers: Still sounds great Jerry :cheers: making a copy of one of my fav MFSL Lp's for my secret santa mailing...sorry to the receipient, things...
  7. stuwee

    Stupor Bowl

    Suck ass teams this year, if the fudge packers get in....I'll..... :puke: Brees is a dreamy dude, very talented, waaaay more than Rodgers and his wimpy arm. I'll take the Saints again this year :blob4:
  8. stuwee

    Another dumbass Q

    Yesterday the Dell started sayin' "Your password will expire in 12 days, would you like to replace it? " This is what happened the last time. I mean can I trust the machine? I don't screw up often, and the last time I changed passwords I got screwed ROYALY!!!! Why is it asking me to do...
  9. stuwee

    A disturbing new issue...

    This here old apartment house has a vintage old school HAVAC unit on the roof, there's control units inside each apt, recently I noticed that when I switch on the fan for heat, I get a huge 'THUNK' through the Yammie amp. I've never had it do that, even with the Marantz receiver as a preamp when...
  10. stuwee


    Shit, crapoloa!! BS I don't do porn, why the viruses?? F you Muthers and your crap.... Can I send some shit to these MoFo's??
  11. stuwee

    Outboard phono pre's

    A Q, who has one? I know Graham has some nice ones, I have tapes made from him to prove it, what I'd like to know is can you hook one up direct to the tape deck? Ya know, bypass the preamp crap and go direct, I do that with the CD player and the tapes sound a bit clearer, better bass, just wonderin'
  12. stuwee

    I've acquired a strange new habit

    I started to check and double check the knobs on the gas stove, I haven't had a gas stove in a few years. I feel like one of those freaks on the OCD channel. I'm hoping my pre-cog powers aren't telling me something, my insurance policy doesn't have all my cool stuff pic/docu'd yet. Also, last...
  13. stuwee

    Tracking the Denon

    It's in the Land of Lincoln... Hodgkins, IL, United States 12/12/2011 2:05 Arrival Scan
  14. stuwee

    Tears For Fears, the game, the love

    This may be a repeat post, sorry...I'm a night owl now. I was walking down Broadway in NYC in 1989 and who comes up but who comes up but Curt Smith from T4F's, I said dude I have 'Woman in Chains' stuck in my head...great tune...he said "It is isn't it"...gave me a hug right there on B'way in...
  15. stuwee

    The muncher has meet it's match....the pavement!!!

    Four floors up, Web come get it now.... (I&(^*(*$&%$^# MoFo Shit has ate it's last of my treasures, Freak show F'in Teac, Goddammit &^%^&%^##!!!!!!!!!! There's a couple of pieces off to the side, but it seems to have survived the fall, U^%*&*$%$$ piece of SHIT, that F'n seller knew...
  16. stuwee

    Stu's getting some new speakers

    Yea!! :cheers: 1st, I'm throughly enjoying the Celestions, they were my first hi-end 2-way speaker purchase, and thanks to Nando, I have a pair (PM sent to ya on the trade buddy :thumbright: ). But, an offer not to be passed up...member 'dingus' aka Scott, has seen pity on me an offered up a...
  17. stuwee

    Nakamichi 700 II for sale Cheep ... hi-700-II- Deal of the year dudes, someone buy it!!
  18. stuwee

    Welcome jamesdax

    Hola, welcome to Phoenix Audio, enjoy our little slice of heaven thrills and spills, fun and frivolity :mrgreen: Craig :color:
  19. stuwee

    Check it out bro's...Carver and DQ-10's on Tucson CL

    A yummy Carver MXR-130 receiver and some Dal's asking $850... :santa:
  20. stuwee

    About these wireless networks??

    Apparently what I've got is from down in the Rec Center of the complex, not to far away...but this is a very sturdy concrete and steel girder building built in 1960, and the signal comes and goes here in my place, out in the stairwell it's just fine, but many undesirable folks live here and I...