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  1. bill7621

    Bridged Phase Linear series ll

    If you go by a electric substation and see a crew working there, they might be able to give you some if you ask nice.
  2. bill7621

    Happy Birthday Sniffer

    Happy birthday dude. Have one on me...and him..and him..and what the hell, just go get shitfaced!
  3. bill7621

    Jenny, Naked and Afraid

    Well Hell....Happy Birthday you old fart! Hope you had a great time. Mine was on the 18th and I came down with the flu the day before. I never get a flu shot....might have to rethink that.
  4. bill7621

    PTFE Insulated Stranded Silver-Plated Wire

    Did you seperate the wires or did you leave them braided running in the tube and only seperate them at the ends? I was thinking of doing this to an SME I have. I'm not sure it needs it, but I was going to replace the knife-edge bearings that SME uses and figured since I had it that far apart I...
  5. bill7621

    what are you listening to?

    I noticed the Thorens also. And I'm really glad you moved the little blue truck!
  6. bill7621

    Happy Birthday Laz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Day

    Happy Birthday. Hope it was a good day for you.
  7. bill7621

    Merry Christmas All

    Just opened my lump of coal! Merry Christmas To All!
  8. bill7621

    Merry Christmas All

    Agreed, I don't like seeing xmas either. So I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas. And remember...keep Christ in Christmas
  9. bill7621

    Newbie from Michigan

    I'm thinking we're all old guys that like music :occasion5:
  10. bill7621

    Newbie from Michigan

    Welcome aboard, SAWDUST. Your avatar makes me shudder. I had a close call this summer with my tablesaw. My finger made contact with the blade. I can still feel it!
  11. bill7621

    Happy Birthday Nando!!

    Happy Birthday and have a great day!
  12. bill7621

    Happy Birthday Lee (early, since you already pointed it out)....

    Happy Birthday, Lee. And no matter what they say eat lot's of cake, it's good for you. And wash it down with some cold brew.
  13. bill7621

    what are you listening to?

    Will you please move that little blue pick up truck before it falls off of there? It's driving me nuts! I can't get the smilies to work so I'll have to do an LOL thingy.
  14. bill7621

    Happy Thanksgiving folks!

    Happy Turkey Day everybody. Hope everyone has a great day doing whatever they choose to do.
  15. bill7621

    Goodbye Tom...

    Whether you liked his syle of music or not, you have to admit he'll be remembered as one of the all time greats. I have all his music (I think) and will miss him. I don't like this getting older crap. RIP Tom.
  16. bill7621

    Jasmine Rocks

    Why wait? You could be enjoying listening to one rather than lusting over pictures of other peoples. As I was told in the beginning, they seemed expensive until you compare them to amps with with that kind of power. That's when they make you realize they're a bargain no matter how you look at...
  17. bill7621

    Paul's 700

    That's a really nice looking amp. I don't see how anything can look better than '70's & '80's gear.
  18. bill7621

    Stephen's WOPL Build

    Ok...I see now.
  19. bill7621

    Stephen's WOPL Build

    What's the masking tape for Lee?
  20. bill7621

    The Next Generation

    I agree, there are some very sick people out there and I don't envy your job as a father. It's going to be constant worry for you for a long time. I was thinking, people get their pets chipped in case they get lost. Would it be too weird to get your baby chipped if it's even possible to get...