PL700 Rebuild

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
Been away for a while, spouse has been very ill. Anyways, became so frustrated with the mis behaving chassis I secured another later version from member Hexxis. So far ---

Transferred transformer and assorted bits from the old chassis to the new one, drilled and mounted main caps to end plate, installed outputs and brought her up first on a variac then dbt then mains. Sorted out a dead cap on the left driver channel and finally glorious audio. Still have to sort out the wonky meter behavior and perhaps figure out why the bias sets close to 400mv at the lowest trimmer setting but by golly its alive :)
Initial install before cap replacement (one of the 2.2uf axial caps left channel was open circuit)
View attachment 85203
And playing music this afternoon, need to chase down the meter issue next
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Next step after that is installing the speaker protection board, then once everything tests out correctly the WOPL driver board.
First time hearing a 700 sing, you are braver souls than I am if you run them up to full rated power in a typical room :)
Oh, she really likes the PL-4000 preamp.

Lee, you don't remember me warning you about the original 700 back it September (Check your message on AK). Which 4000 do you have (I think I warned you about the "Joystick" Model too.... Have you had to help Phyzo lately?? I ended up selling all my Sansui 5000/A/X boards and parts after the douche bag on ebay copied my boards. I always say, if yer gonna plagiarize, at least CHANGE something.... :) I did keep a couple boards. I had White Oak Joe help me with some specs and advice when I designed that board. He's forgotten MORE than we'll ever know...... Good luck on your project... Oh, the best way to finance a WOPL Kit is to start stashing cash in Paypal, then the wife won't know any different when you tell her you found a WOPL at the Goodwill.....I'm still trying to figure out how I'm gonna finance a pair of White Oak Model 1's (In Green of course.... :) :) :)



Sep 12, 2024
Hey there Perry, was wondering where your quiet and thoughtful comments had wandered off to :)
Yeah, the outright plagarism of hours of board design has me keeping my Kicad work to myself these days along with time spent helping the no thank you latte crowd on that forum that will remain nameless these days. Joe at WOPL along with the other cats here at Phoenix are a whole different group and a community I am grateful to be made a part of. The 700 is almost done, still trying to source a vu meter and sort out a niggle or two, both PL-4000's have been flawless performers since their rebuild.
Think I will wander off to the general tomfoolery department and start another thread that gives my age away.