Just put some Pearl Jam on. Thinking what I could love without. Think I would sell it all for a few thou more than 10 less than 50 music included all projects. You want it I'll help load the truck for you.
John Mayer Trio This was first time I Heard him Pino Palladino can play some bass. Well it is almost long pants time. Been awhile since anything but air has touched these legs. Put the deck shoes in the closet and put the work boots on. Was discussing the draft on Facebook. I really think it needs to happen. Teach a trade, give purpose. Give game bangers a different perspective. Let them feel what it is like for people to shoot back. 2 years would do.
Man, maybe at least 20 years ago but at least in the Nav nowadays it's all gone to hell. Right from boot camp - the "boots" are actually allowed to call a "training timeout" if the CC's are being too rough on 'em. Man... I remember we "mashed" until the windows in our compartment fogged over, and not a minute too soon. If I even thought of telling them to "waaah.. stop... it's too much for me", I'd have their boots so far up my ass...
And then it gets worse... senior leadership has no idea of what "leadership" means anymore. Chiefs are now E7's, and "PC" rules instead of "TRADITION". Peeps have to watch their sixes because there's no sense of having anyone's back. Instead of carrying your drunk shipmate back to his rack, there are breathalyzers on the brows now, ready to haul 'em off to medical and then the brig.
And don't get me started 'bout females on combatant ships... Man I am so glad I got out before having to go through THAT debacle...
Yeah, not as good as it used to be. Of course MY old man would probably see ME in that light somewhat too. He tells me that when he went to boot in '64, not ten seconds after stepping off the bus he had a Marine's boot holding his head down in the gutter screaming at him, LOL.
Bunch of ....