AM Listening


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Just put some Pearl Jam on. Thinking what I could love without. Think I would sell it all for a few thou more than 10 less than 50 music included all projects. You want it I'll help load the truck for you. John Mayer Trio This was first time I Heard him Pino Palladino can play some bass. Well it is almost long pants time. Been awhile since anything but air has touched these legs. Put the deck shoes in the closet and put the work boots on. Was discussing the draft on Facebook. I really think it needs to happen. Teach a trade, give purpose. Give game bangers a different perspective. Let them feel what it is like for people to shoot back. 2 years would do.


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Just put some Pearl Jam on. Thinking what I could love without. Think I would sell it all for a few thou more than 10 less than 50 music included all projects. You want it I'll help load the truck for you. John Mayer Trio This was first time I Heard him Pino Palladino can play some bass. Well it is almost long pants time. Been awhile since anything but air has touched these legs. Put the deck shoes in the closet and put the work boots on. Was discussing the draft on Facebook. I really think it needs to happen. Teach a trade, give purpose. Give game bangers a different perspective. Let them feel what it is like for people to shoot back. 2 years would do.
Man, maybe at least 20 years ago but at least in the Nav nowadays it's all gone to hell. Right from boot camp - the "boots" are actually allowed to call a "training timeout" if the CC's are being too rough on 'em. Man... I remember we "mashed" until the windows in our compartment fogged over, and not a minute too soon. If I even thought of telling them to "waaah.. stop... it's too much for me", I'd have their boots so far up my ass...

And then it gets worse... senior leadership has no idea of what "leadership" means anymore. Chiefs are now E7's, and "PC" rules instead of "TRADITION". Peeps have to watch their sixes because there's no sense of having anyone's back. Instead of carrying your drunk shipmate back to his rack, there are breathalyzers on the brows now, ready to haul 'em off to medical and then the brig.

And don't get me started 'bout females on combatant ships... Man I am so glad I got out before having to go through THAT debacle...

Yeah, not as good as it used to be. Of course MY old man would probably see ME in that light somewhat too. He tells me that when he went to boot in '64, not ten seconds after stepping off the bus he had a Marine's boot holding his head down in the gutter screaming at him, LOL.

Bunch of .... :cyclopsani:


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
War story. Was walking across the hanger. My MSgt. yells hey Mellette. I go yea. He tells me I dropped something. One set of my stripes was in his hand. I go oh thanks. Can't have me out of uniform. I had them stuck on with tape. He goes why aren't they sewed on? I tell him I figure I'm going to lose them anyway why sew them on. Laughing as I walked away. Now I was escorted a few times for a hair cut. 3 times in one week. The 3rd time they told me it was going to cost me 200.00 the next time. I sat down in the chair and said 35-10. I had a 35-10 hair cut with it slicked back. Off duty you couldn't tell I was military. That day I had a squared up hair cut. My Sgt. paid for everyone of them.John Mayer – Paper Doll

Was watching "Mary-Mother of Jesus" Been working on the tolerance thing. Turmoil within ones self is a good thing. Means there isn't any complacency. Being cynical is an art. Been working on it. Was their any lesson Jesus taught not good? Some say he was a Socialist. Jesus wasn't teaching how others should act. He was teaching how you as a person should act towards others. Love was the biggest thing. Treat others like you want to be treated. These actions are suppose to be of free will. Not because someone or something tells you to. Just like Love these things must come from the heart. Faith also comes from there Karma, Soul, call it as you wish. 99% of the time if you doubt your actions then they weren't just. If you want a moral and just society who would be a better teacher than Jesus? If your conclusion that you came up with was Man. NASA we have a problem. Trust me I'm not trying to tell anyone how to believe much less live. How you live is up to you. In my belief I must care for you. I'm not going to answer for you. My one Demon is dead.Will probably be working on those feelings till the day I die.For a long time I didn't get the Jesus thing. I just know something and it is hard not to share it. Porcupine Tree We all have our problems. There is always someone worse off than I.Every step is a journey into the end of the path. It is all about choice. If you had changed one decision your whole journey would have changed. Life as you know it would not exist. You can change tomorrow; but tomorrow never comes. Time go watch an old movie. I have the means and the technology. Pay me no mind. I'm ole crazy Uncle Larry. Put him in the corner he don't take up much room. Go to a family dinner wonder who the people you are eating with are.LOL Good thing I needed my glasses.
Last edited:


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Been thinking about freedoms. How can you believe in the 1st amendment and not the others? Isn't this an all or nothing deal? The NSA thing disturbs me more than most. The IRS thing is a very close 2nd. Not that I care. It is that they have the cajones to tell me they are doing it and I can't stop them. That is what torches my butt. If they want me they know where I am. Doing Dish internet tomorrow. See how hard I can hit the band width in a month. Porcupine Tree – Deadwing
Guess I'll get my magic jack working again. Closest phone number for them was 150 miles away. HMMMM what was I doing at the moment I forgot what it was I wasn't doing? Go watch some TV I think.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
The IRS thing bothers me the most. When the adminstration - de jour- can have the IRS selectively harass, stonewall and audit specific groups or individuals, then we are no better than Nazi Germany in 1939...


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Been thinking about freedoms. How can you believe in the 1st amendment and not the others? Isn't this an all or nothing deal? The NSA thing disturbs me more than most. The IRS thing is a very close 2nd. Not that I care. It is that they have the cajones to tell me they are doing it and I can't stop them. That is what torches my butt. If they want me they know where I am. Doing Dish internet tomorrow. See how hard I can hit the band width in a month. Porcupine Tree – Deadwing
Guess I'll get my magic jack working again. Closest phone number for them was 150 miles away. HMMMM what was I doing at the moment I forgot what it was I wasn't doing? Go watch some TV I think.
Dish??... and you think you're going to get your phone working off it?

Cancel.. cancel now...don't answer the door - you've been warned, LOL. Seriously man.. don't do it..


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
The IRS thing bothers me the most. When the adminstration - de jour- can have the IRS selectively harass, stonewall and audit specific groups or individuals, then we are no better than Nazi Germany in 1939...
The NSA knows your every move. You have a cell they know your position who you are talking to. With no one to stop them. With all the laws on the books you even breath wrong you have probably broken some obscure law. The Nazis wished they had the NSA.


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
You're talking satellite, right? Latency of 1 SECOND (versus avg 40 to 50 mS) will not allow your magicjack to work, barely at all. And when you reach that limit, they'll grab your balls and throttle you to sub modem speeds for 12 hours.

That.. and their billing dept is no better than the "mob"

And... I had it awhile back. I cancelled it after two weeks, and went back to DIALUP.

And I could tell you more stories....


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang? I got the 49.99 My DSL is 2.5 right now. With my phone service it is higher in price. If I don't like it. I'll call. If they upset me I will go with Direct in Jan. when my 2 years is up.
Your 2 years is going to start over when they install. DTV/Hughes is actually the same thing. It's all Hughesnet Gen4

If you don't want to take my word, then go here and post that you have DSL already and are switching to it...

If anything else, remember I said this - People do not CHOOSE satellite internet if they have other options ... it is the last resort.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
[TABLE="width: 96%, align: center"]
[TD="class: uinfo, width: 140, bgcolor: #f8f8f0"]

[TD="width: 100%, bgcolor: #f8f8f0"]hospcfo <SMALL></SMALL>

[h=4]Goodbye Hughesnet![/h]After several years of this inferior service I was able to take down the dish and return the equipment today! I switched a few months ago to wireless mobile hotspot and it has worked better than I expected. At first the performance wasn't great. I stopped using for several months and just monitored it speed for awhile. The carrier made some changes and the performance is great for about two months now. Hughesnet speed was terrible, even just browsing let alone trying some real online use like streaming videos. Plus I can understand the customer service folks.
[TD="bgcolor: #f8f8f0"]


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Your 2 years is going to start over when they install. DTV/Hughes is actually the same thing. It's all Hughesnet Gen4

If you don't want to take my word, then go here and post that you have DSL already and are switching to it...

If anything else, remember I said this - People do not CHOOSE satellite internet if they have other options ... it is the last resort.
I will remember. I will pay due homage. I will give the devil his due. LOL


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
I will remember. I will pay due homage. I will give the devil his due. LOL
I think you have 30 days... seriously, if you even think you're not going to be able to handle the "downgrade" .. if the mere thought crosses your mind even for a split second... ditch 'em.

(I tried... LOL)


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Are we audio snobs? Tried to explain the difference to indie label guys. Do people understand the fascination with sound? When you hear something so good it makes the hair stand up on the back of you neck. How do you explain that?Porcupine Tree – Arriving Somewhere But Not Here How do you stay humble when you explain. How do you explain AC filters, wires. It does not make sense to normal people. Carly asked me the other day if their was something I could get rid of. LOL So now I have to make some hard decisions. I have 4 TTs sitting here. I only use one. I think I have 5 carts. It is scarey to think what I have. A lot more than I need that is for sure.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
We all have a lot more than we need. My excess (well, some of it) is going to people who APPRECIATE it. That's what I try to do with it.More often than not it happens. Like you Larrt, I enjoy watching someone's eye's and face light up when they hear something so good they get goosebumples... Like the first time I heard one of the Onix....


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Forums are about the virtues of excessiveness and obsessiveness. Four turntables doesn't seem to be a high number, if they are not taking up valuable space in your home. I have a small bedroom to be renovated. I stored a number of components in that room until recently. Now most of my stock is downstairs. I have more components to sell or gift. Here's a little corner of that room after moving most of it elsewhere. Under the blanket is a beautiful Grundig console.
