David's Phase Linear 700B Thread


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
The sad part about me is; I think I'm too dumb to notice if there was a joke in there somewhere or not? I sound foolish here, but someone tell me what I missed? Jerr, rated at 800? 800 watts a speaker? (Joke)? I have no clue what they are rated for in all seriousness. I wish I did? Its was a long time ago and I lost the paperwork. I just know I DID search for a high power rating when I was doing the speaker building. So I know they ain't no slouch? Lol! So what are you saying Lee? Ya got something ya think could take em out? Hmmmm this would be hella fun! I'd go for that? Speaker face off! WOPL 700B bi-amped. Tell me what I'm up against? I'll take on your K horns. :tongue10: I may have a secret weapon in store for the face off.......ya never know? ;-)

My pair of Super K's with another K bass bin on top of the first complete speaker. Bottom K has 15" Crites 1526s woof. Midrange horn is a Martelli "Tractix" wood horn designed for a 2" throat driver, that driver being the B & C DCM-50. Tweet is a Crites CT-125. Top bass bin would have the same Crites 1526S woof. Tri-amped with a WOPL 1000 for each pair of woofs, a PL400 for the mids and a Spec 2 for the tweets, all thios being run through a Pioneer D-23 electronic crossover.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Did you find some dealers?? I paid 60.00/ pair for mine and I think the Larrt gave me a pretty good deal. He was a dealer at one time. When outfits won't publish prices, to me that means a lot of wiggle room, and makes me a wee bit suspicious. Ya know the -"e-mail for a quote". Not all of those have been bad inquiries though....
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Yeah, when you start talking bi-amping and tri-amping, and even possibly running multiple audio sources, patch cable costs can add up fast. At $60 a pair, make that real fast. I wouldn't call my gear "audiophile quality" by any means. But I'm not lookin for the run of the mill radioshack RCA interconnects either. Have heard audioquest is respectable? Lots of markup on that though? And i went to the first site that came up on goole search for that Lee. Tara Labs themselves. Couldn't find any pricing. I guess it's not "direct to consumer" then. More manufacturer to dealer. Like cars. Sometimes though, like Oppo; you get to buy direct. All depends. But I am hoping that none of my gear (including my electronic xover) is adding to that hum issue. Cause patch cable good or bad, there IS a transformer in that thing and every component that stands in the way of the signal coming from my preamp; just adds another possibility for introducing interference. Equalizers, xovers....etc. direct source is hard to do when running multiple amps. Although its preferred.

If I put up my four 350lb. Speakers up against your tri-amp system, with two PL700B's bi amped, (one being totally WOA) and run them in a four ohm load; you'd see sixteen 12" woofs, thirty two 2" tweets and eight 6" mids blowing around 2,800 watts at ya. Sound about right? You suuuuuuuure you want to get in the ring with the heavy weights? ;-) dem sounds like fightin words to me? Lets brawl bucko! Lol! :happy4::thumbup:


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
There were a few threads on AK about building your own interconnects and some were damn good. They were running Mongami cable(I'll get the number) and some good rca ends. AS long as they were gold plated any reputable rca jack manufacturer should do.

My K's have that thump you in the chest bass that I so dearly love, yet the rest is so clear it does bring tears to my eyes some times. And to have both systems in the same place and up and running would be like a week long fishin tripo to me----just F&^%$# awesome....
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
There were a few threads on AK about building your own interconnects and some were damn good. They were running Mongami cable(I'll get the number) and some good rca ends. AS long as they were gold plated any reputable rca jack manufacturer should do.

My K's have that thump you in the chest bass that I so dearly love, yet the rest is so clear it does bring tears to my eyes some times. And to have both systems in the same place and up and running would be like a week long fishin tripo to me----just F&^%$# awesome....
Ha haaa.......... I hear ya on that one. Once I become independently wealthy, I'll look into the cost of having these things moved across states and to your cave and back. Add in the additional vacation time I can spare and heeyaaa! We have a DUEL good sir! :toothy10:


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Here's a link to a very good thread on DIY cables. I know the author of the thread. His systems are VERY REVEALING and if he says these are good, count on it.


The cable he's using is Mogami-Neglex 2534 "Quad" microphone cable. It has 4 conductors that he pairs up for ease of signal passing. Price is 1.29/ft from markertec. A good gold plated rca male end shouldn't be over 5.00 bucks. These wind up being a very good IC. If I hadn't bought so many off of Larrt, I'd be building myself a lot of these.
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
The End is Nigh.......

Well; I have reached a decision with Jerry. We fixed the problem without fixing the problem. Seems like I decided to use my spare PL700B in place of my white oaked version lab standard. No hum, no matter how I mess with the inputs. So I will stick with that. Jerry has become the proud owner of the WOAPL 700B. It does not hum in his set up and sounds KILLER! So we worked out a deal and this project has come to a conclusion.

I cranked my beasts up today with the factory PL 700B's bi-amped, to concert levels, and my ears are still ringing. I think that is good enough for a man who lives on a 1/4 acre lot. The police like me here and I intend to keep it that way; so no red-lining for an hour. I am not as bold as LEE! LOL!

But it serves my needs. My WANTS however include about 50 acres of private land, and an anechoic chamber in the basement, with four white oaked PL 700B's running my four massive speakers. But that's like winning the lottery. So for now, I am happy with the end result.

Wonderful project and great learning experience. My God the knowledge on this forum from Lee, Jerry, Joe, Doug, Nando, Dennis :confused2:, and everyone else has been amazing!! And thanks to Jerry for his MORE than accommodating solutions. He is GREAT to work with. He has even been nice enough to grant any future work I need done on anything else for modest labor costs.

Thanks Phoenix!!!



Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
My pair of Super K's with another K bass bin on top of the first complete speaker. Bottom K has 15" Crites 1526s woof. Midrange horn is a Martelli "Tractix" wood horn designed for a 2" throat driver, that driver being the B & C DCM-50. Tweet is a Crites CT-125. Top bass bin would have the same Crites 1526S woof. Tri-amped with a WOPL 1000 for each pair of woofs, a PL400 for the mids and a Spec 2 for the tweets, all thios being run through a Pioneer D-23 electronic crossover.

That folks is the recipe for Thermo Nuclear Destruction right there, sound waves could probably knock over one of those stupid Honda's with the giant muffler and body rattling boom systems passing by at 60mph
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Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Well; I have reached a decision with Jerry. We fixed the problem without fixing the problem. Seems like I decided to use my spare PL700B in place of my white oaked version lab standard. No hum, no matter how I mess with the inputs. So I will stick with that. Jerry has become the proud owner of the WOAPL 700B. It does not hum in his set up and sounds KILLER! So we worked out a deal and this project has come to a conclusion.

I cranked my beasts up today with the factory PL 700B's bi-amped, to concert levels, and my ears are still ringing. I think that is good enough for a man who lives on a 1/4 acre lot. The police like me here and I intend to keep it that way; so no red-lining for an hour. I am not as bold as LEE! LOL!

But it serves my needs. My WANTS however include about 50 acres of private land, and an anechoic chamber in the basement, with four white oaked PL 700B's running my four massive speakers. But that's like winning the lottery. So for now, I am happy with the end result.

Wonderful project and great learning experience. My God the knowledge on this forum from Lee, Jerry, Joe, Doug, Nando, Dennis :confused2:, and everyone else has been amazing!! And thanks to Jerry for his MORE than accommodating solutions. He is GREAT to work with. He has even been nice enough to grant any future work I need done on anything else for modest labor costs.

Thanks Phoenix!!!

Just a damn shame I haven't YET been able to enjoy it with the other 700, driving two sets. Work this weekend has been.. a... BEEOTCH. I gotta push away (clay) from this keyboard right now...

Yep, what Dave said... hehe. Dave has been nothing but patient and gracious all around, and I figured it was a good idear when Dave mentioned it. It was either that or wait for another "B" to surface ... then order... then solder.. then install... then tweak... Hey .. didn't I do that already?? :scratch: In any case, this "B" is a very very good looker to boot... almost makes me want to do my series I up again on the outside. :thumbright:

But.. I know it won't be but a few weeks and I'll get that "itch" again for another WO project. I might tho send a 400 out "on recon" prior to committing tho.. LOL.

In the meantime... I could relax a lil with maybe my M80... wonder if I can get the WO board to fit.. hmmmmmmm... (Joe's going "whaaaaaaaa???" right now, I can tell... )
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
I will wait for the fully complimentary boards to come out from Joe. THEN, I will send all four amps I have at my disposal in and have them overhauled. He hee. I will take all four of my 350 pound speakers, (16 12" woofers, eight mids, thirty two tweets), four PL700B's WOA'd over to Lee's house and CRANK it! After the pools of blood drip down of the sides of our face from our ears; we'll see who still has ears left! LOL! And declare the winner! I know he'd like the friendly face-off. But all in due time my wonderful Phoenix Phriends. Muwaa haaa haaa!:laughing2:

Sorry to have given you the work plague Jerr. It sucks. I never get my weekly Phase Phix in because of it! You know what you got and I hope you get the chance to play! It's cosmetically beautiful and hot rodded inside, so you just may be tempted to make the swap from your series I to the "B"? He he! Nothing sounds sweeter than your own work in action eh?


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
That folks is the recipe for Thermo Nuclear Destruction right there, sound waves could probably knock over one of those stupid Honda's with the giant muffler and body rattling boom systems passing by at 60mph


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
I will wait for the fully complimentary boards to come out from Joe. THEN, I will send all four amps I have at my disposal in and have them overhauled. He hee. I will take all four of my 350 pound speakers, (16 12" woofers, eight mids, thirty two tweets), four PL700B's WOA'd over to Lee's house and CRANK it! After the pools of blood drip down of the sides of our face from our ears; we'll see who still has ears left! LOL! And declare the winner! I know he'd like the friendly face-off. But all in due time my wonderful Phoenix Phriends. Muwaa haaa haaa!:laughing2:

Sorry to have given you the work plague Jerr. It sucks. I never get my weekly Phase Phix in because of it! You know what you got and I hope you get the chance to play! It's cosmetically beautiful and hot rodded inside, so you just may be tempted to make the swap from your series I to the "B"? He he! Nothing sounds sweeter than your own work in action eh?
Amen Dave. Letting my ears rest today, pretty hard on em yesterday....


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Amen Dave. Letting my ears rest today, pretty hard on em yesterday....
I never had a chance.. all weekend.... She-bear would KILL me if I actually went past 7 oclock on the volume.. heheh (actually surprised she hasn't done it yet... got a lil thump on this Crystal Method tune.. :thumbright:)

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May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Nice Jerr. I will admit. Those lights in the series one look really good? Joe doesn't have one for that? How'd you go about it?

I see my bolts there. Be advised I am sending my gal to the Shipping office tomorrow to send you the rack handles. Shud get them in a few days. Meanwhile, the spare B has it's own handles that await the swap. And I'll put her back in the system. Sorry about the she bear? Mine just says; "that's it? Go louder!" :toothy10: When I do, I can actually prove I can blow her pants off without touching them! Thanks PL 700B!!


Veteran and General Yakker
May 1, 2013
Those who enter the man cave will get WOPLed
ps.. She-bear DID get me... :scratch:

damn... ah well.. there's tomorrow.. :toothy10:
Who is She-Bear? I'm guessing who it might be. They call them "Handbrakes" here in australia, e.g. "I'm going to the pub"...(handbrake engages) "no you're not!!"


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Nice Jerr. I will admit. Those lights in the series one look really good? Joe doesn't have one for that? How'd you go about it?

I see my bolts there. Be advised I am sending my gal to the Shipping office tomorrow to send you the rack handles. Shud get them in a few days. Meanwhile, the spare B has it's own handles that await the swap. And I'll put her back in the system. Sorry about the she bear? Mine just says; "that's it? Go louder!" :toothy10: When I do, I can actually prove I can blow her pants off without touching them! Thanks PL 700B!!
Your bolts are on their way with the woofs. Had some I could spare til the rack handles arrive.

No biggie about shebear LOL... it's kind of a game we play.