David's Phase Linear 700B Thread

May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Probably not Lee. I don't have 1/4 of the intelligence I need to possess to be like Joe. That's why I am not doing this work. I'm just a newb. :newb:

I am crating up the amp Jerr as we speak. I assume Lee will send you everything you need for the rewire. The only sticky particular I have is the white/ translucent wire ties. Weird? I know. But they seem to sick out less than the colored ones. O.C.D if you will. :toothy10:


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Got 'er comin or still wrangling the stuff together?

Man I'd try to make that housecall seeing as how I'm in St. Louie right now, but between working and drinking... LOL (gotta love these company excursions ...). Gotta get some zzzz's now.. :occasion8:
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Got 'er comin or still wrangling the stuff together?

Man I'd try to make that housecall seeing as how I'm in St. Louie right now, but between working and drinking... LOL (gotta love these company excursions ...). Gotta get some zzzz's now.. :occasion8:
You are more than welcome to skip down the road here Jerr. I have already sent the amp and speakers to you. So they should arrive Thursday. However, i still have bi-amped non-WOA PL700B's, and you are welcome to come over and hear how my speaker system sounds with these things. It's still great. Im always home till one in the afternoon. Then i shove off to work. I think this week will be my last for standard hours. We are going back into overtime again with mandatory saturdays again after this week. Control automation panels seem to be hot tomalleys I guess. Good thing I'm sending the amp to you. I just KNEW i'd never be able to do this right on my own. No time. How long you in? Check your email. You should have my contact info.


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Ok... got the "schtuff" out of the box from ya, Dave. Looks like the care package will be arriving next week tho...

In the meantime... hmmmmm.. So here's what I did... I unpacked the woofers, hooked both up normal (i.e. 1 on the right, the other on the left), hooked the amp up to a spare Adcom pre with a good audio signal coming down through the main stack. Now... I did notice the left RCA jack is a lot more loose than I am comfortable with, so perhaps we should think about replacing it too?


Anywhoo... Then I powered up. I had the gain pots on the 700 turned all the way up, and the volume on the pre at around 7 oclock with no audio input. I couldn't hear a hum.

So then I also thought about how they would be connected in the cabinets and simulated it here with what I think is happening. Two woofers in series, with another 8 ohm load in parallel with the woofers to simulate the second pair. Still.. no hum (dagnabit!!!) (sidenote.. those are some killer woofs you got there, Dave! purdy!! :thumbright:


Kind of looking a lil tough to start out with, but hey.. we're going to make this one as quiet as we can. But.. dang... I thought I would at least hear SOMETHING, but no.. and not even feeling the cone for vibration yielded any results... totally dead silent......

Just to make sure my hearing isn't "shot", I figured I'd shoot a quick youtube'er here... If you listen close you might here me breathing as a comparison. I gave it a lil bit of juice towards the end too, to compare with.

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Kjchoujr0lM?feature=player_detailpage" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" width="640"></iframe>

This is indeed a puzzle we have going here... :scratch: But I'll do what can be done .. Don't fret too much - there are quite a few tweaks I know of, thinking about this one over the past few weeks.
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
I don't get it?! I thought it could be my RCA inputs, but I did that test with NO RCA jack connected, and I still heard it? My girlfriend says she could too?
You know......I'm almost inclined to say don't worry about it, and just do the rewire? Maybe replace those RCA's that are loose too?

If all else fails Jerry.......make me an offer. You may love that 700B more than you think. Remember......I had three. So I have another here. Just not White oaked all out and new transistors and caps and so on...... but $$ is tight for me lately and I might be okay with parting with it.

Just send the woofs back. ;-) Thanks for the compliment on the woofers? Yeah, imagine eight of those things and then sixteen running on a 700B in 4 ohms. That's what I had once. I had to wear hip hugger jeans because the power made my pants flap too much! LOL!

I can't recall if Lee was sending you the fancier buss bar with that care package. But that's will make your rewire job easier.

If you get to St. Louis again, lets try to meet up. I'd love to spend some time talking audio and showing you the system. :)

Let me know how the project goes as always. Thanks Jerr!


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Yep, Lee sent 4-----1-1/4 X 1/4 X 5" solid copper buss bars out of a 1955 Pacific Electric breaker panel.


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
I don't get it?! I thought it could be my RCA inputs, but I did that test with NO RCA jack connected, and I still heard it? My girlfriend says she could too?
You know......I'm almost inclined to say don't worry about it, and just do the rewire? Maybe replace those RCA's that are loose too?

If all else fails Jerry.......make me an offer. You may love that 700B more than you think. Remember......I had three. So I have another here. Just not White oaked all out and new transistors and caps and so on...... but $$ is tight for me lately and I might be okay with parting with it.

Just send the woofs back. ;-) Thanks for the compliment on the woofers? Yeah, imagine eight of those things and then sixteen running on a 700B in 4 ohms. That's what I had once. I had to wear hip hugger jeans because the power made my pants flap too much! LOL!

I can't recall if Lee was sending you the fancier buss bar with that care package. But that's will make your rewire job easier.

If you get to St. Louis again, lets try to meet up. I'd love to spend some time talking audio and showing you the system. :)

Let me know how the project goes as always. Thanks Jerr!
I don't get it either, Dave! I thought for sure we'd get something out of them as it's pretty much the same setup. Note tho - actually with the RCA's not connected, that runs a better chance of picking something up since the inputs are now open ended. BUT.. after seeing this, I did unhook the RCA's, left the gain pots all the way up, and tried it... still ... no bloomin' hum!

Hey maybe you should take a quick pic of one of your RCA's?? The ones I used just might have a lil more diameter on the pin, whereas with that one jack being loose a slightly smaller pin would most certainly make "less" contact.

Yeah I know.. but gotta think of anything and everything here, no matter how obscure... :scratch:

I'll be sending the woofs back early next week... can't wopl em to death since those buggers are rated well over 800 (wow!). LOL
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
I bet I could make em think twice about a long commitment to my man cave.....
Really? I'd like to see your offer on that? They stopped making those guys a decade ago. Yeah I bought for overkill there Jerr. And those two you have are the spares. Only because I knew they'd go extinct. If i blew one, i'd have a spare. But the 700b and that speaker mate really well.

If you want the woofs in your cave Lee, imagine the whole speaker they go to? Like we talked about, a speaker-off sounds fun! Jerr can vouch for the woofs, but the rest of the speaker components........well; equally matched. You oughtta hear it man. A white oaked PL 700b is the sugar on top. :)

I think what we have here is a need for new interconnects for me. Do you guys have a brand suggestion you prefer for the RCA's? I can get those in the mean time while Jerry is doing the rewire........


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Tara Labs, man I LOVE mine. I wasn't trashing your woofs bud, just giggin Jer. A speaker off would be a F*&^%$# hoot!!
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Tara Labs, man I LOVE mine. I wasn't trashing your woofs bud, just giggin Jer. A speaker off would be a F*&^%$# hoot!!
The sad part about me is; I think I'm too dumb to notice if there was a joke in there somewhere or not? I sound foolish here, but someone tell me what I missed? Jerr, rated at 800? 800 watts a speaker? (Joke)? I have no clue what they are rated for in all seriousness. I wish I did? Its was a long time ago and I lost the paperwork. I just know I DID search for a high power rating when I was doing the speaker building. So I know they ain't no slouch? Lol! So what are you saying Lee? Ya got something ya think could take em out? Hmmmm this would be hella fun! I'd go for that? Speaker face off! WOPL 700B bi-amped. Tell me what I'm up against? I'll take on your K horns. :tongue10: I may have a secret weapon in store for the face off.......ya never know? ;-)
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Whats the pricing on those Lee? I couldn't find anywhere where it gave one? Like sky high crazy audiophile prices? Or old Joe schmo schmuck poor guy like me pricing? Lol!