Three nights a ago Cathy started getting severe distortion on the left channel. I have chased it all over the board for the last 3 nights and am no closer to finding it than I was when I started. there were numerous slips of the probe this time too, so many I do not trust the reliability of the SECOND board. Thus, the THIRD board was just finished. It's a beauty. Don't know what it is about this particular amp, but it took 3 boards last time too.
Cathy will now get the outputs stripped, heatsinks cleaned, sockets lifted and inspected too make sure there are no whiskers, or cut off leads that will short things out after a hard ride back to Scott. New grease and new mica insulators too. Gonna give it every chance in the world. The only thing it won't get is that HARD WEEK of testing that goes on here. Promised this to be shipped by tomorrow morning. Jani's got my favorite coffee going. We're going in