Received my A&D GX-Z9100 back from the tech that I sent it to. There was not a lot wrong with it, but I wanted to know how the frequency response measured, and there was a little bit of an issue with the door not closing on occasion. I also noticed that the one channel according to the meters on the deck (which I know are not always accurate) seem to be recording a little bit lower than the other. The tech adjusted that and everything seems to be working perfect, and the deck records and plays very nicely. I don’t really have a reason to go any further than this deck, I can barely distinguish between source and tape when recording.
However they must have jarred it, because the door was out of place, and there is a guide, or hinge that fits into a certain spot on the door that was out of place. Put it gently back on, and it works correctly.
The NAD 6300 is being returned, and it’s out for delivery right now. Maybe in the future I can get one that’s had the reel motor problem corrected, but for right now I’m happy with what I have.