Apparently Mark Porzilla, currently chief design engineer at Nova Physics was the designer of all Melos Audio electronics . here are links ect. below
His linked-In page
Hello Everyone,
I apologize for the delay in, at the least, acknowledging that I received your emails which obviously I have.
Thank you for writing and for your loyalty to my work. I was the designer of all Melos Audio electronics for the entire 20 years of it's existence and losing it, seeing it go out of business was like having a family member die. We were very proud of the work we did there and we learned a great deal from our mistakes, particularly with respect to reliability.
In any event, if you've not yet seen the link, on "The Memory Player's" website is a not yet connected link to what will become;
The Melos Audio Support Center.
We plan on literal new Melos designs on identically sized circuit boards such that the old board may be removed and the new Melos circuit "dropped in" your existing Melos gears chassis.
This will prove by far to be the most economical direction for most people as opposed to servicing a damaged/old circuit board in that most Melos failures are due to circuit board foils 'arcing' to other foils or overheating ruining on board components. Foils now 15-20 years old peeling from heat and just general use over the decades.
We will have new, truly edge of the art NEW MELOS DESIGNS. I am designing an UPGRADE for EVERY Melos Audio product and model so anyone who owns "an old Melos" piece will have the opportunity to get edge of the art designs instead of repairs.
Genuine NEW, Melos Audio designs installed into the original chassis. And these new designs created and implemented by what will be:
"The Only Authorized Melos Audio Support Center in the World".
Exciting new designs such as;
Pure triode replacements for FET or MOSFET transistors in the present circuit,
Triode and Teflon Capacitance Multipliers replacing slow & colored electrolytics,
State of the art components like High Atomic Number Film Resistors and Polypropylene Capacitors with FOIL-ONLY or even TEFLON / FOIL capacitors*
*"Teflon" although the latter are extremely expensive, we will offer them as well.
Staggering detail & enormous dynamics with unheard of lack of coloration & incredible speed yet even sweeter as it assimilates a "giant Teflon capacitor" where electrolytics once were.
"Still, they remain true to their musicality & "Melos Sound" that might have been why you bought it in the first place! We are the ONLY authorized facility and the original designer is ever mindful of "The Melos Sound" at all times."
Most Melos designs with the exception of digital designs are not dated in the sense of topology. What has improved since the originals is parts quality and that, in concert with higher current and voltage abilities and tolerances,even in circuit boards, new topologies and MUCH improved heat distribution should ensure years of faithful service.
We are so certain of this that these "Upgrades" will come with a conditional 5 YEAR parts & labor warranty.
I believe the balanced designs will be so nearly perfected that distortion and noise in Line Preamps and our Phono Preamps will nearly be negated. In addition we will need no feedback and as described above, the "Teflon Capacitance Multiplier" power supplies may be the cleanest, fastest and least colored tubed power gear has ever enjoyed.
We here all very excited about bringing Melos Audio back to the fore where it belongs. It was at one point, the # 3 tubed audio manufacturer in the world.
To that end, with good chassis, GREAT transformers and truly edge of the art new designs for EVERY Melos product in the works, we feel that there will be no better sound for the dollar than an upgraded Melos Audio amp,preamp,headphone amp or tubed digital product.
Again I do apologize for the delays but I must confess, there are 14,000 Melos customers worldwide and if you are on this list, I've just gotten to you this week!
The Melos Audio Support Center is scheduled to reopen in the Winter of 2009 in Los Angeles, California, USA.
We will alert you as progress or delays occurs and please feel free to write with individual questions. I am getting closer to answering you all personally & I thank you for your incredible patience.
If you received this by mistake. You are not on repetitive emailing list and will only be written once more to answer the specific question you asked. If you are concerned about SPAM, please reply with REMOVE in the subject line and we'll delete you from the system.
So thank you again for waiting. With an "authorized" support facility opening, expect the value of even broken Melos gear to rise dramatically. We even plan on submitting some of these new works for review. These new, radical designs will bring your Melos gear to a level that will need not apologize to any high end audio gear in that price range & in some cases, your "new" Melos will compete with the very finest in the world.
Thank you again for your waiting and I will try to answer everyone in this grouping very soon.
Mark Porzilli
Chief Design Engineer:
Melos Audio LLC
Pipedreams Loudspeakers ( formerly, originals only, pre-Nearfield Acoustics )
Nova Physics Group/Corporation ("The Memory Player")
Scaena Loudspeakers Incorporated