Of course Vince cheered you on, because he was a jerk the other day to me and I blocked him also lol. He actually went on a link that I posted to attack on YouTube and made crappy comments to him.
Ain't nobody got time for that.
need to get more serious now...
first off... i think it was me to say "toy deck" above, not anyone else, then i believe i had to explain what i meant with "toy deck"... don't I ?
second, and most important...
I had just realized you felt personally offended because i, rightly, criticized that "technician" there at youtube (but there are so many who proudly share their videos where they work unproperly, spreading misinformation and sometimes also dangerous examples to follow... certainly, he is not the only one).
So what?
I am talking about technical stuff, and this should NEVER be taken as something personal, if you wish to be serious about technical matters.
Otherwise, things would be childish and I am not certainly that kind of guy who likes to react like a child.

When someone, who's suppoused to be more expert than me, happens to criticize me about something, I always THANK him, because it's a good opportunity to realize I might be wrong and to learn doing something better.
That said, i didn't only criticize the way that guy works on decks, and especially the way he DESTROYS the heads while trying to relap them, here at Phoenix...
But I also went directly there at youtube and commented there, directly in the face of that guy...
Just go at this video and read the most recent comments... both my own comments and his replies.
As you can see, even if i was criticizing him heavily, the guy understood mine were severe but constructive comments and mentioned to me his email address, asking me if I can explain him how to relap heads the proper way.
So, you blocked me and are simply throwing away the opportunity to get some help.... not my problem, really.
Then, thank you for telling me that you blocked me so that, next time, I will simply avoid wasting any time in trying to help you.
That guy you felt offended for, on the contrary, gave me his mail address asking me to write him.
Can you spot the difference?
Have fun!
PS: and i think I've replied you in a way too gentle way. But, hey, that "a jerk" you told referring to me is a compliment when it's told by someone who behaves like you are showing us all, after just few days in a new place where you have no idea whom you are talking to, writing over 100 posts in only 5 days, judging, blocking and trying to offend longtime and well respected members just because you felt annoyed for God only knows what.
Have luck in making any friends around!