So big update. The switch box came apart today. I was getting a little hum from the signet and tried it on different tables with similarities in noise.
first thing to address was all this capacitance in the switch, well it turns out I forgot how to zero the Sencore checker. Once I read the manual it all came back with my one missed step.
now the switch reads 1.2pf and the entire box has 44pf from in to out and capacitor switch installed
I wish I build one of the phono preamps Jim built as it would be nice to have slid in by the switch box. May just buy a Schiit Mani or the like later on. now if someone has a good idea for me to consider please speak up. The budget is shot on this project so moving slowly On more goodies.
my choices to add capacitance are now
44 (box minimum)of and with the rg316 cables we have added about 160pf. The table has about 40-50pf so there is room for tuning later on.
so the selector box is now working as intended.
While I had it apart I added extra ground lug as the single one was to busy
back to the signet and the hum issues. I finally solved by removing the ground wire to that table. Another learning is this cartridge is about 2 grams heavier than the Shures. I have a 9 gram Sony head shell , the pioneers are 11g. So I will be playing with that later on to see how the compliance effects things
watch for the new shootout thread starting next week with full write up of the Decca as it is the starting point