So she came up nice. Now going to complete the rest again.
Gene, here's a photo of the fuse area without the cardboard installed. PL glued the cardboard in with silicone adhesive. I carefully cut the adhesive and save the cardboard for reuse, and a chassis screw retains it.
Now let's talk about those fuses. You've seen the AC wiring done, so you know the left most is Line/120 VAC. The other two you should have a idea about because earlier I talked about the two DC rail voltages.
Each + or - 80 VDC rail has it's own fuse.
So a green wire comes off the upper storage cap to the base of the fuse holder, as does a blue wire off the lower cap to the base off the other fuse holder.
The wires on the tips of these + and - 80 VDC fuse holders then go to the backplanes, along with grey ground wires from the buss bar. Remember, this is a "center tap" transformer with the center tap connected to the buss bar.
Enough of this for a while. Time to sharpen the blades on the zero turn, do some weed eating, and cut grass. Later.