I wouldn’t overlook the Idler Reks unless they have that General Industries death cube motor. Though idler tables need a lot of work to be quiet, but are worth it for that “slam”. Any turntable with a Papst motor is worth saving.
They are pretty decent, run quiet, cheap. The one I have has sticky grease in the bearings and takes a minute to get up to speed. They don’t come apart easily but have oil holes for the bearings, according to Joseph Esillma’s ROK blog you can force WD-40 in them with compressed air. I have enough stuff laying around to put together another Rondine B-12 if I wanted to…..
Not me...... I stay away from the booze. I'll knock back some brews and maybe a Cpt and Coke once in a great while. I try to stay out of trouble and keep the liver from quivering.
Only idler I have still is a Garrard model A. Its just a shelf piece, I would never play any of my records on it though it still runs ok. I had an 80 with the wooden tonearm to that did not really impress me