maybe i've got what you mean, Sam.
the Turdilli calabresi, typical of my region here at Xmas time, and which i really go mad for.
also spelled as Turdiddri in local dialect and they aren't much known outside my own region.
the dough is made with wine, olive oil, flour and some cinnamon powder.
they are fried and then covered with honey.
the colour can be more or less dark brown depending from the colour of the wine (red or white)... if the wine of choice is white, it must be moscato (a sweet wine) and it's the most typical choice but red wine is also OK.
and yes, we definitely make them here at home at Xmas time, they need some work but mom makes them just especially for myself, because i love them madly.
I often watched mom making them and then I know how to make them, sometimes i also helped in making the dough and give them their shape, but when it comes to fry them, mom is the master and i simply look. after fried, you put them again on fire but only with the honey, which needs to get hot to get a bit adshorbed by the Turdilli and surround them nicely.
then put them in some plate and wait until they are cold. they are good for several days on.
is it just what you were thinking about?