On a CD tear this week. The Sony's been ignored too long. This one from a buddy in Murfreesboro, TN who is a nationally-known documentary photographer and music historian who fronts two old-time music bands and one delta blues band. This is the blues group - Hoodoo Men. Good enough to catch Luther Dickinson's (North Mississippi All-Stars) ear; he produced and added guitar on a couple of tracks.
Gotta love 'em. From their FB page: "What are the Hoodoo Men all about? Cheap-ass vintage Teisco guitars, p90 pickups, over-driven tube amps, groovin' drum shuffles, dirty concrete floors, butt-shakin' hoarse-hollerin' flask-drinkin' 3am still bumpin' yes ma'am blues music."
#sorryimmafan, as the kids say.