And on that note, Miles - sorry to miss the fun! I was traveling over the weekend - the Big D and back from Friday through Monday to see the kids - and not paying particular attention to any of this until just now. It's all good and fun to find out I'm apparently one of the few people on the face of the earth who hasn't pissed off some moderator somewhere. And here I thought I was a badass.
So there's that. And I'm starting to catch the ebb and flow of a more laid-back bunch of characters whom I've interacted with for a long time in one place or another. I do, however, miss El Monte Slim's contributions since he left - though he was never banned.
Anywhoo, Nakdoc - I'll take you up on those tubes if I do pull the trigger on that Starving Student amp kit. I'm in no hurry; got three places to plug in the cans in my current setup.