I have finally had a chance to design a new driver circuit for the 400 and 700. The 400 and 700 make excellent project amps because of the way the chassis is laid out and the power transformers are robust. The latest power supply caps pack more Farads, so updating to more capacitance is easy in the space allotted. I've wanted to use a 400 or 700 chassis with a new driver circuit for awhile now. No output relay protection is included (yet). I'll work on that last.
A few sample boards are being completed to test and debug the circuit. Once the bugs are worked out, I will begin the final PCB layout. I'm going to offer bare PCB's for sale, but have no intention of offering "stuffed" PCB's. This is only a hobby for me and not my main source of income.
The design is based on currently available transistors that should be easy to source for the near future. Due to the design, a wide variety of transistors can be used with slight variance in performance.
With the exception of using a 400 or 700 power supply and chassis, the "new amp" will not be a Phase Linear.
A few sample boards are being completed to test and debug the circuit. Once the bugs are worked out, I will begin the final PCB layout. I'm going to offer bare PCB's for sale, but have no intention of offering "stuffed" PCB's. This is only a hobby for me and not my main source of income.
The design is based on currently available transistors that should be easy to source for the near future. Due to the design, a wide variety of transistors can be used with slight variance in performance.
With the exception of using a 400 or 700 power supply and chassis, the "new amp" will not be a Phase Linear.