Thanx heaps D2.
Ah yes, girlfriends….. [BIG SIGH] Could do with one myself right now, but unfortunately, the older you get, 'raises the bar' on how old you can court. According to society, I should be dating someone's grandmother. Unfortunately, I just don't find them attractive let alone sexy, as my mind has a fixed image of what I used to find attractive when I was first attracted to the opposite sex, but I'm happy to go half way, but even they're too young considering my age of 63. Just can't win.
Meanwhile I'll just have to settle at looking at D's avatars and pic uploads and be seen as just another dirty old man….

Hope you get back with your g/f. Arguing about anything is just a waste of time. You just gotta learn when to hold your tongue and turn off, and eventually just change the subject to something more compatible. It's sort of like watching TV. Just change the channel…..