Cracked open my 4000 to look it over. Since I'm going to Capacitor Hut to buy some stuff for other phono projects, decided to recap the preamp. In another thread I expressed my agony with these suckers, but came to the realization that some caps are audio grade, as are on the White Oak driver board. When should I worry about this?
I'm figuring that the power section (1000µ/50v x2, 47µ/35v x2, and 50µ/35v x3) really don't need "audio grade" caps since they deal mainly with the power to the unit, not really a signal path component.
I'm dealing with the PL 40 board on the bottom (it says "UDDER MUDDER" on it!) for now, will deal with the correlator and tone circuits later. I do notice some low level electron hiss, and expect that it's either related to capacitor or resistor value drift that comes with age.
Opinions, anyone?
I also see that some of the ICs in my 4000 are the same mentioned in this thread- looks like some of the edges of the epoxy are chipped. Hmmm... Suspicious...