This has never been answered to my satisfaction either other then stronger output transistors used. I get the headroom thing also w/ the bigger reserve power caps being able to deliver more current when needed for dynamic transients and faster response, I just chalk it up to efficient use of the power. The test results don't lie so in fact, they do put out more power but use the same rail voltages. The WO amps speak for themselves loudly, they sound killer but I still don't know the science behind them
Near as Joe and I can figure, the WO board is responsible for 15-20 more watts, due to a slight gain increase of the design. I haven't really made a direct comparison between the 909's and the 21196's to see if any gain is garnered there.
Near as Joe and I can figure, the WO board is responsible for 15-20 more watts, due to a slight gain increase of the design. I haven't really made a direct comparison between the 909's and the 21196's to see if any gain is garnered there.
In my experience minor to moderate clipping with subs is hard to detect by ear. I was using wopl 1000 on subs and am now giving them 3x that power so I know for sure I was clipping the wopl. Current sub amp has clip indicators and i make them flash on occasion. Only thing that made me turn it down was sound of VC bottoming out. My guess is if you are approaching 10 dB with your subs you are clipping your PL.