This one surprised me because I had a preconceived notion of what it would sound like. I knew about The Fluorescent Leach and Eddie, that they were in (or were) The Turtles and that they most recently performed what I interpreted to be a novelty/comedy musical act. So what I was expecting was some Turtle-ish sounding parody songs. I was quite mistaken and it seems that they too have a Frank Zappa connection. It was them in fact, and nothing to do with Geronimo Black (some of them
were The Mothers of Invention), who needed a new gig when Frank was laid low from a car accident. Seems that for contractual reasons, they could not perform or release recorded material as The Turtles or use their own names. Since they were billed within the Mothers of Invention as The Fluorescent Leach and Eddie, that's the name they released new music under.
I guess when this album came out it may have been considered "experimental" but this is my first time hearing it and to me it sounds like intelligent, well crafted jazz/folk/rock/fusion. I also felt the melodies of some tracks actually invoked an image or feeling. Was kind of amazed actually and will be looking for more of their stuff.
My camera is on it's last legs and I think the macro's crapping out.
Fluorescent Leach and Eddie - Self titled 1972