what are you listening to?


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Marcus Hook Roll Band - Tales Of Ol Grand Daddy, CD

I was waiting until Nav received his MD's before posting anything about this one. If you havent heard of or checked this out yet, I strongly suggest you do. This is a 70's Australian only release, just re released on CD, and LP. Great album from start to finish. Its Harry Vanda, and George Young's first band. They later became Flash And The Pan. George Young also being the older brother to Angus and Malcolm Young from ACDC. As well its the very first recordings featuring Angus and Malcolm. While its a stretch from ACDC's music, it certainly is an interesting and enjoyable listen.

In the late 70's I had Flash and the Pan's first album. Loved it , somehow it got lost and never did run accross it again. Nice to get some background on it. Yeah it's different, especially back in the 70's. Aftewr all the alternative now it would fit right in....thanks Ben..


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
Oh my - I'm so looking forward to listening to this. For those that don't know - Ben sent me four MiniDiscs that he recently recorded and I'm so stoked. I'm assuming that one of the discs is the Marcus Hook Roll Band - can't wait to give this one a listen. I've been playing a mix disc that Ben recorded and it is kick ass - there is only one song on the disc that I've heard before and that is only because Ben mentioned this band in an earlier post quite some time ago. I'm so grateful and as we all know this site kicks ass too. It's the mix of people here that makes this such a cool site.

Thanks Ben

Enjoy the disc's Nav. Yes one of them is a copy of the Marcus Hook Roll Band.

In the late 70's I had Flash and the Pan's first album. Loved it , somehow it got lost and never did run accross it again. Nice to get some background on it. Yeah it's different, especially back in the 70's. Aftewr all the alternative now it would fit right in....thanks Ben..
This album being released is like a time warp. Everything about the sound and the songs screams 70's. It is mostly classic rock sounding with elements of funk, and some politically driven lyrics. Its a great mix of tunes that I think most anyone would enjoy.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Enjoy the disc's Nav. Yes one of them is a copy of the Marcus Hook Roll Band.

This album being released is like a time warp. Everything about the sound and the songs screams 70's. It is mostly classic rock sounding with elements of funk, and some politically driven lyrics. Its a great mix of tunes that I think most anyone would enjoy.
Talk about time warp...how is it you can remember the day, time of day, where, the smell, and other things about hearing a piece of music or song that you really liked when you first heard it. I was on vacation in Oregon, headed to my uncles place in Trail, Or. I was halfway up Elk Creek Rd to his house in my 1978 Ramcharger with my first wife and first son who was 4 at the time pulling a motorcycle trailer with my 1973 Sporty on it . It was a beautiful spring day driving through a forest with very large sugar pines and Madrones. Crossing the creek several times and on the radio there's Flash and the Pan. Just after that I unloaded the Sporty to give Levon a ride the last 10 miles to my incles place while Karen followed in the Ramcharger. We had done that several times on the way out and I would put him on the gas tank . He would grab the top bar between the grips and with a smile on his face a mile wide we'd hit the road. We'd go for 20 to 50 miles then load the ol Sporty back up. That particular day going up the creek that song kept going through my head like the last song you hear before turning off the radio or tunebox and was intrigued enough to buy it. That first one was on cassette, and later found the album somewhere. Lost it during the divorce and never caught up with it again.


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
Anyone heard the new Priest yet?
I know we have some Priest fans here. So if you havent checked out Redeemer Of Souls yet, this is another title I strongly suggest you check out. Calling this album heavy is a bit of understatement.



Veteran and General Yakker
Nov 4, 2012
Seattle area
Santo & Johnny

Perfect choice, SLF! I bet the Summertime is awesome by these kats.
it's tasty. Caravan is nice also!

I really need a better condition copy of that Santo & Johnny record. Great stuff but the copy I have is beat to hell.
It's really the shape I expected to find this one in when I ran across it in the clearance shelves a couple of weeks ago, but it's a really strong VG+ player. Makes up for all the shite records I've seen out there!

Miracle Mile

Veteran and General Yakker
May 29, 2013
First listen on a WAV 16-41000 file (on the PCM-M10):

First impression:

Songs aren't bad, but the overall mastering of this album sounds over! compressed...

Typical example of the loudness war.


Veteran and General Yakker
Nov 4, 2012
Seattle area
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cosmo's Factory
(1970, Fantasy)

Great weather out here this week with lots of sunshine and 80+ Fahrenheit temps, cooling down to the high 50's at night. CCR seems like a fit for the weather. Keep on chooglin'