what are you listening to?


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
Rocking the tuner today. www.XPN.org is playing the top 885 tunes from the 21st century as voted by the listeners on 88.5FM in the Phila area and a few other 'repeaters' in the general area. Available for streaming at the link, not the Linc which is Lincoln Financial Field where the Eagles play home games.

Bob Boyer

Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 24, 2013
Chattanooga, TN
Warren Zevon - A Quiet Normal Life

Following that with Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherazade - from some recordings of a Russian conductor who defected to the US (remember when you had to do that?) and landed at the Chattanooga Symphony Orchestra for some years before conducting all over the world. Vahktang Jordania was the conductor; many of his recordings made with the Russian Federal Orchestra, long after he left Chattanooga and was free to return to Russia as a US citizen, were mastered on DAT recordings. That collection of recordings was donated to UTC by his family some years ago and I ended up archiving them to Mobile Fidelity SuperDisc gold CDs. I kept a few for myself and just now bumped the recordings over to my hard drive after all these years.
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