what are you listening to?


Chief Journeyman
Dec 28, 2022
Heard the dual AHBs in the center spot this afternoon and hadn't seen this post before going over to Bob's house. I can't speak to what Bob heard off-axis but what I heard on-axis was pretty spectacular. His bi-amp arrangement is indeed a step up from what I heard a couple of weeks ago. We went through some of what we listened to previously and I'm even more impressed with the soundstage specificity and the rendering of instruments. I finally heard why Charlie Watts tried to buy Muscle Shoals Sound's Neumann U-87 after they recorded Wild Horses. Single mic high and in front of his kit and it snapped. No other drum mics - from the story I read in SOS - they weren't really expecting the Stones to show up. Part of it is the mic but a part of it is the house and it was all there.

We did drive 'em into earbleed territory with Ramblin' Gamblin' Man from Bob Seger's Live Bullet album - I was trying to see if I could feel the Hammond B3/Leslie combo like I felt it all those years ago at Memorial Auditorium when he opened for BTO and I left after three songs into BTO's set - he was that much better. Felt the bass but couldn't summon the air from the Hammond and the clipping lights were starting to dance with no sign of strain. Backed it down to just below clipping threshold which was still plenty loud.

My ears were certainly impressed.

I will also say that they push plenty of volume as monoblocks but the sound was not as precise as the bi-amp setup. We both like the bi-amp setup better.
What speaker wires were used in mono Vs bi-amp configs?


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
Probably not. I have two Hafler DH-200s I built from kits and have generally used one for each channel, without biamping so one channel was idle the other doing the work and the system sounded better.

Another improvement using those amps was when I moved the power cords to the wall outlet instead of the 1000w rated outlets on the preamp.

Both instances offered more and better volumes, attack and such. Understandable that using an amp vertically biamped allows the power supply to do better with bottom end the real power sucker in music since the top end (other channel) won't be so demanding so you lightened the load on the amp.


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
Finally seeing the end of the new to me pile of CDs. Did some

Ultravox - Lament
Underworld – Oblivion With Bells
VAST - Visual Audio Sensory Theater
The Waterboys - This Is The Sea
Wayne Shorter - Adam's Apple
Wayne Shorter - Night Dreamer
Wayne Shorter - Adam's Apple
World Party - Goodbye Jumbo
World Party - Best in Show
Yaz - Upstairs at Eric's

And Sam dropped by and we did some The The and Neils Frahm on the turntable.


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
Just loaded some I like instead of the next 5 since I'm about done...20 Miles Davis to enjoy to complete the first listen of the ones Tom sent me.

Here what's playing today.
Etherwood -self titled
Hiroshima - Another Place
Jon Hopkins - Immunity
Genesis - Selling England By the Pound
Edie Brickell & The New Bohemians - Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
Saw three bands at Blossom last night.
Girlfriends, a California band.
Simple Plan, out of Montreal Quebec.
Avril Lavigne, from right across the lake in Ontario Canada.
It rained the whole show, was sold out, 20,000 people.
Everybody partied hard in the rain and had a good time.
A really good show.

