XPN.org is playing the top 885 female singers songs as voted by listeners this week. Daily maybe 8-6 and weekend a bit less.
Got me to hook up the tube amps and the main rig since it has the tuner. Just let it play during the day.
Why 885, WXPN is 88.5 on the dial.
Just another in their year end listener voted programming.
They have done songs, albums, groups and such. With albums it was 3 per for the first 500, then a few more and the top 100 much more. This gave radio hosts time off around Christmas, I’m sure.
Yes, radio is still a viable medium in Phila.
Got me to hook up the tube amps and the main rig since it has the tuner. Just let it play during the day.
Why 885, WXPN is 88.5 on the dial.
Just another in their year end listener voted programming.
They have done songs, albums, groups and such. With albums it was 3 per for the first 500, then a few more and the top 100 much more. This gave radio hosts time off around Christmas, I’m sure.
Yes, radio is still a viable medium in Phila.