Thorens TD-125 MKII rework


May 25, 2023
Mount Vernon, WA
Bikes, baseball and big amps.
That would be a nice way to do it.

Things to consider with these suspended tables is the way the wiring leaves the tonearm. If it is a big heavy clump of wire, force fit somewhere under the table it will affect the suspension. Using short jumper wire, flexible and all from the tonearm to the DIN plug would be the way I would go. Then with the DIN plug you have your choice of many different high performance phono cables with a captured ground wire. These available for a c-note to thousands of bucks. Key is unrestricted movement of the suspended table.

Magnepan addressed this with the cable for their tonearm using a Amphenol plug to fit the tonearm (proprietary, don't go there) and a flexible 6-8" jumper that was connected to the main phono cable made of low capacitance wiring. You can see the jumper ending in the green plug near the RCA plugs. The connection to the main cable is under the wiring just to the upper left of the twist tie. For this tonearm, that connection was held by a cable support screwed to the underside of the turntable.

You won't need that because you will jump to the DIN plug on the back panel. Beautiful simplicity with that design. If you use a common DIN plug on the tonearm end of the jumper you can swap tonearms.

View attachment 84552

The wire I found that does a most excellent job of this jumper work is Cardas 33x4 Shielded Tonearm Wire. I found Mogami makes a W2739, 33Gax4 Shielded wire that is perfect, too. Very flexible and with the shield it carries the ground and keeps the EMI and RFI off the signal wires. Two sources are Cardas at partsconnexion in Canada and eBay UK for Mogami (I got no idea if they are the same cable). The bay stuff is way cheaper even with shipping.
Cardas 4 x 33awg Original Series w/Shield Tonearm Wire
Mogami 2739 - Ultraflexible Miniature Cables - 2.1mm OD - 4 Core & Screen | eBay

When I installed this wire, I used the shield as a strain relief, soldering all the signal wires in place with slack in them and soldering the shield wire short so it would take any strain on the wire and keep the 33Ga signal wires from breaking. I needed to change one of the Amphenol connectors in one of my Magnepan arms since the original connector is not repairable and not available. I used a DIN in the arm and at the end of the jumper cable on the original phono cable using the Cardas I believe, as I could not find the W2739 which was recently listed on ebay UK (last few years, someone mentioned it on a board after my discussion of this fix I made.)

As to your choice of Male and Female and where they go, look at phono cables. I would get a standard phono cable since they are generally available and mount the DIN connector needed for that on the table. The Grace tonearms are backwards and finding a phono cable for one is not as easy as getting a normal DIN phono cable.
I really appreciate the discussion and insights! My tonearm does not have a din on the base, just wires coming out, so my thought is to go from the tonearm to a din mounted on the plinth. The wires are tiny and should not affect the suspension.


May 25, 2023
Mount Vernon, WA
Bikes, baseball and big amps.
Standard is "male" DIN connector on the arm; it could also be on the back of the table plinth if you wanted.

Check specs as I think it may be the same pin spacing as a "MIDI" connector, which opens up more possibilities from a form-factor standpoint.
Thanks! I was wondering if the MIDI connector was the same.


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
My tonearm does not have a din on the base, just wires coming out,
You need a better tonearm with shielded wiring anytime the wire is not inside the tonearm or upright post. But that is most of the aftermarket tonearms not ones pulled from tables and who knows what homemade tonearms have.

Not trying to sound condescending about this, just showing my frustration with the Magnepan tonearms selling on ebay NEW, really NEW in box for 250 opening bid 325 BIN which adjusted for inflation is about 65 bucks in 1980 for a tonearm, best under $1000 today that sold for 325 new back then. Folks are missing it even though the seller has moved a number of them. I have a few, have clued up some friends to them and over on ak Jim bought one (his second, sold the other one) and mentioned it and there was NO comment about it other than mine in his thread. Folks just don't know the arm. I have other arms, just like the Magnepan better than the SME 3009 II, 3009/S2 Imp and Infinity Black Widow.

Does your MA-77 not have a plug at the base of the mounting post? Is it so early it just has wires dangling? All the pics I saw showed it with a DIN cable if there was a phono cable with the arm. You did say it was an early arm.


Veteran and General Yakker
Dec 24, 2019
Micro made arms for "complete" tables and also sold "replacement" arms loose. The loose arms have the DIN plug on the bottom, and these were also used on the higher-spec Micro tables (if you wanted an arm included).

So, the MA-505 comes in several flavors for use on a dedicated table, and those versions are cheap, compared to the ones that have height adjustment designed as replacement arms. But the point is the dedicated arms (for specific tables) have loose wires, and the "replacement" arms have a DIN plug.

The second point is if you need upper arm mechanical bits for a 505 for example, buying a dedicated arm is a good way to get them cheap.


May 25, 2023
Mount Vernon, WA
Bikes, baseball and big amps.
You need a better tonearm with shielded wiring anytime the wire is not inside the tonearm or upright post. But that is most of the aftermarket tonearms not ones pulled from tables and who knows what homemade tonearms have.

Not trying to sound condescending about this, just showing my frustration with the Magnepan tonearms selling on ebay NEW, really NEW in box for 250 opening bid 325 BIN which adjusted for inflation is about 65 bucks in 1980 for a tonearm, best under $1000 today that sold for 325 new back then. Folks are missing it even though the seller has moved a number of them. I have a few, have clued up some friends to them and over on ak Jim bought one (his second, sold the other one) and mentioned it and there was NO comment about it other than mine in his thread. Folks just don't know the arm. I have other arms, just like the Magnepan better than the SME 3009 II, 3009/S2 Imp and Infinity Black Widow.

Does your MA-77 not have a plug at the base of the mounting post? Is it so early it just has wires dangling? All the pics I saw showed it with a DIN cable if there was a phono cable with the arm. You did say it was an early arm.
It's an early arm as shown..


Veteran and General Yakker
May 1, 2013
Those who enter the man cave will get WOPLed
Definitely worth restoring, I'm a fan of the suspended setups. Own a TD-160 Super and TD-165, almost nothing done to either of them, they just go and go. Sound is spectacular. Sounds like the TD-125 uses a much different motor, maybe something to do with the electronic speed adjustment.


Veteran and General Yakker
Dec 24, 2019
The Thorens I had back when might have been a 125 variant. I remember it had those big rectangular buttons anyway.

It was NOS in the box I bought at a hi-fi show at the civic center or something. Worked well for several years but then didn't... I was migrating to CDs at the time and ended up selling it (for what I paid for it I think) and had nothing until I got the Planar 3 years later.


May 25, 2023
Mount Vernon, WA
Bikes, baseball and big amps.
The Thorens I had back when might have been a 125 variant. I remember it had those big rectangular buttons anyway.

It was NOS in the box I bought at a hi-fi show at the civic center or something. Worked well for several years but then didn't... I was migrating to CDs at the time and ended up selling it (for what I paid for it I think) and had nothing until I got the Planar 3 years later.
It seems 90% of the time the reason a TD125 stops working is one of the two capacitors under the bracket on the board fails. The ones on this unit were way out of spec.


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
I remember it had those big rectangular buttons anyway.
Yes a 125 variant.

Had a 125 from new in 74 for a couple years
bounced around tts for a few years and in 86 bought a used set up
TD-160 Super, Magnepan tonearm my second one, Dynavector 23R with Musical Fidelity AC-1 moving coil phono preamp (to phono input)
TD-125 showed up here in the last 10 years and a 126 in the last 5 so sold the 125. Looking to sell the 160 Super and a guy in our group is interested.
Like having a Belt drive in the collection as well as Direct drive, a couple of the Kenwoods 500/600 both with Magnepans, now.

The 125/126 are a nice bump from the 160 series because they handle footfalls better. Mounted to the wall, probably not much difference in that aspect of these tables.


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
You're welcome, @Sunnbobb. I got a Thorens TD-160C from the same owner. The turntable was in similar condition. I used both Thorens turntables in my secondary system, then traded the 160 towards the purchase of an old linear-tracker.


And a cell phone video of it playing:



Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast


May 25, 2023
Mount Vernon, WA
Bikes, baseball and big amps.
You're welcome, @Sunnbobb. I got a Thorens TD-160C from the same owner. The turntable was in similar condition. I used both Thorens turntables in my secondary system, then traded the 160 towards the purchase of an old linear-tracker.

Steve Morse is a genius and Ultravox ain't bad either!


Veteran and General Yakker
May 1, 2013
Those who enter the man cave will get WOPLed