Don't get your hopes up for next week. The PL400 project took over 5 months from start to finish. There was a restart in that project though when I dumped the sockets all together and went for the solder in as far more reliable.
It's obvious Joe put a lot of thought (and time) in his design. What a great improvement this makes aesthetically and a much improved topology. The entire back wall is cleaned up - just a few wires left to route from one side of the amp to the other. Most of the remaining wires are now short runs from board to board. SWEEEEEEEEEEEET.
Modern stuff like CD players are multilayered boards. Lots of digital lines to route and I wouldn't be surprised if they were more than four layer boards. All the vintage SS stuff used a single or dual layer board and the tube gear was a bunch of components hanging in the air hooked up to the tube sockets.
What Joe has done is provide a circuit that has a big ass ground and power plane along with a clean interconnect for the pre-drivers and drivers (and all other back wall components) that really cleans up the layout ills that the PL amps have. Anyways read some wine reviews to get proper adjectives and then do a write up of how the amp sounds.
Lee.... Mark did my 400.... Im pretty sure it does...You would think I could at least answer that. If I was guessing I'd say yea it does. HAS ANYONE HEARD ONE WORD FROM HIM SINCE HE POSTED ALL THAT STUFF FOR SALE AND NEVER SAID ANOTHER WORD ??????? He had a beat up 400 at that time for 150 bucks. I really thought that was going to be my second one.
Dennis if it's one thing I learned in prison, nice guys land in jail too. What else would explain his total absence?? Even on vacation a guy can slip in and talk smack once in awhile... As involved as he was I don't think his absence is voluntary. He was not the kind of guy to post about getting rid of stuff and then not answer inquiries...
OMG !!! That blows what little mind I got ! Makes good sence ! That would have been the last thing that entered my mind ! HELL YES LEE... Really really good guys do time !!!!!