No need to be easy on it. it has all the bells and whistles 'cept Joe's board. I'm certainly not easy on em!! Don't want em comin back here all spoiled and stuff. Wring that puppy out!!
Cool. I'll test her out and rattle the walls then. Some songs are just meant to be turned up! Like Head East - Never Been Any Reason. Have yet to listen to that without cranking the volume knob. Thanks again. I havent been without, but the Kenwood GX Eleven just isnt the PL running through the Marantz. In all fairness I do need to put some different speakers on it though. The Wharfedales just wont handle the Kenny. Gonna try it later with the Bozaks and the HPM 100's just cant lift right now. lol
I don't even think about moving the K-Horns. Got two male children for that duty now. Yep, time for you to have some Shpongle, Younger Brother, Crystal Method, Whirly-Gig........
Yes sir she arrived safe and sound and singing beautifully. I think I might want to go back to the white light. I like the blue but not as easy to see the meters. My meters need work too. Wow the guinea pig sounds good. Making my 100's sing. Hard to imagine sounding much better. Cant wait to see what Joe's board does. My damn coasters broke on one side of my rack, so I have to pull everything and fix the rack before I can play my TT. The 707 sounds good though. Couldn't wait to hear the pig, so rack's leaning bad to one side and I just had to hear it so I put on a reel. The RTR sits on a stand by itself. Bad Company - Desolation Boulevard. Sounds like they are playing right there.
Acceptable is funny Lee. What a beauty. I love the sound. Its very hard knowing whether to go back to the white lights in the meters. At a distance I like the blue better. Close up I like the white, easier to read meters and see them. Probably stick with the blue since they match the Marantz blue stuff. Be cool if they had a neon red needle. I really like the copper diffuser. Almost makes ya want to setup it up where they are noticed. The pig has been pleasing my ears all day. ( not so sure about the neighbors a couple blocks away though), lol. Thanks. I'll be shipping mine to ya tomorrow.
A follow up question here Joe, To what extent does the copper thickness have an effect? I know we are talking thermal inertia here and at what point would the thicklness act like a choke point?