Hell yeah Kev.. I asked a local guy yesterday if he knew of any old cabs or anything in the area and he said well closest thing I have is a pair of Bella's . I was like what did you have in mind? He answered ohhh I guess I would take 4 GRAND..... Jaw hit floor and conversation moved on lmfao..
That might me a tad high for a pair of Bella's unless they are mint with some rare veneer. Man I do like the sound of them and they look killer. But the big K corner horns are King. The only dis -advantage to the K horns is you really need two room
corners to extend the bass horn. The Bella's can be located like most other big floor speakers. Another killer
Horn speaker is the Altec model 19.
There is some very nice Bella's and klipschorns on Ebay now. $$$$$$$
Keep up the hunt Jase............
But nothing you mentioned will get down as low as those K's....I'm tellin ya man, with the Crites 1526S woofs, it's a match made in heaven, they will rattle your eyeteeth and vibrate your eyeballs....I've done it...
But nothing you mentioned will get down as low as those K's....I'm tellin ya man, with the Crites 1526S woofs, it's a match made in heaven, they will rattle your eyeteeth and vibrate your eyeballs....I've done it...
I read up on the Mods you did Lee. I Have heard most of the big classics and even in stock form they blow most
speakers away easy. Horns are just the best. Do you have yours in the corners?
I wish I could hear them.
I'm a lucky guy, I have a wife that does not mind big refrig size speakers. And we are getting close to finishing the construction on our new room that is 26fT. L x 16Ft W. x 10 ft H. And It has two perfect corners!
So maybe k horns someday. I have wanted a pair forever.
Yes they are in corners in my mancave. The wife loves Em as much as I do.. I'm blessed too..
I can spend all I want on the tune box with one condition..
.it has to sound better ...
No prob Lee... I will have alot of work to do when they get here Friday !!! I might even paint the cabinets and all... And I want to bulid grills !.. I want them to look as good as they sound... LOL... You know that will take a while !!! Plus I think I gotta cut out for the tweets and horns ?