I'm excited to get back in the swing of things with taping as I got hung up with life events over the last 3 years. I got out of a long term relationship, jumped into another relationship and quickly got married. Divorcing 16 months later, reuniting with my ex-wife after 9 years and then having that fail as well. So between moving around and being in a emotional rollercoaster in my life, audio hobbies took a backseat. My life is calming down now and I need to grab onto the important things in life like music! Music never cheats on you, doesn't lie to you, doesn't use you for monetary gain. Music is truly my Best friend along with people who share in it with me. Okay, enough soap-boxxing...looking forward to Tony's tape. I should do a mixtape for describing the aforementioned rollercoaster of emotions over the last 3 years. Even if noone is interested in hearing it, maybe it would be therapeutic for me.
I think we can gin up a theme for that man ...