Tascam 112B Motor Questions


Chief Journeyman
Jun 13, 2010
Bensenville, IL
Work too much
Very Good Robert,
The repair is almost done. If you have a test tape which you would have needed with the Wow and Flutter meter otherwise it doesn't do anything for you. You can use a standard frequency meter to set the speed according to the tape. This doesn't let you measure wow and flutter but at least you will get the speed on. If none of that works out, I have the ability to set speed here and I would do it for the cost of the shipping.
The oiling of the flywheel bearing- taking the flywheel out and getting oil into the bearing and that will do a lot towards allowing the deck to work a long time without further issues as to drive. the computer stuff might work- this is not rocket science.


Chief Journeyman
May 1, 2011
Savage, MN
Thanks Sam.....

Yes, I cleaned and oiled everything so hopefully all of that will help.

I got the speed control modified and the speed set close enough for the time being. I don't have a frequency count but I do have a scope and a test tone CD so this is what I did....

First I created two cassettes with idential test tones (used 1K Hz) using my NAK BX125 as that one appears to have spot on speed. Once the two tapes were created I put one tape in the NAK and one in the 112B. Now while playing back both tapes and using a dual channel scope (one probe to each deck) I set the frequency output of both decks to match. Job complete!

I don't have any test tapes but really need to get a level tape at a minimum if one is going to dabble with this stuff. Gotta have the correct tools or it just isn't any fun.

The speed control works just fine as does the fix speed mode. Party time, well almost. Just before I was going to install the cover a VU lamp burnt out on the right channel VU meter..... I really must worship the wrong gods!!!!
I have some mini tube type lamp filiments so now will have to see if one of those can be modified to work. Not a big deal on the lamp as everything else is working just another bump in the road is all.

Many thanks to everyone that offered assistance with this project. I learned a bunch and now am totally hooked on this stuff once again.



Chief Journeyman
May 1, 2011
Savage, MN
Thanks Lee, appreciate the comments....... Glad someone finds something of value in my babbles and adventures!

Those are some strange lamps in the VU meters. They must be using a constant current drive circuit. Tried several different rated lamps and none came close to what the originals were for color or brightness. For now I just pulled all the lamps from the VU's so it looks balanced (goofy but things like that drive me nuts). Will bench check the remaining good bulb and then see if my industry friends can come up with a solution once again. Always good to have friends, especially when they are willing to help.

It's finally blasting tunes through the SX..... Ahhhhh!
