I don't tend to agree with Boehner on much of anything but I have to say I at least had some respect for him in that he had a basic understanding of what it means to govern. It means making deals, it means compromising, not because you're weak, but because we are a big country with a diverse array of ideas about how to best shape things and everyone gets to have a little say in how it is shakes out. And getting things done means working together, not holding your breath until you turn blue and hoping the other side eventually just rolls over. All your effective and great politicians understand this, they all worked with those who had opposing views to get to a place where we could move forward together. That's what leadership is about, forming consensus, letting both sides feel like winners and making progress together. One of the biggest problem we face these days is extreme partisanship grinding everything to a halt.
The hardliners that pushed Boehner out would just shut the whole thing down and watch the country burn if they had their way, taking a hardline stance with NO COMPROMISE as their motto. It's one thing, and often a very good thing, to not compromise your personal morals and ideals in your behavior. It is quite another, and I'd strongly argue not at all good, to refuse to compromise in a democratic government designed to serve all the people. If we're lucky, we'll end up with another pragmatist. If we're very unlucky, we'll get some hardliner trying to show how tough he is and we can watch more government shutdowns and failures to own up to our obligations slowly rot away our credibility as a responsible nation of law. Luckily, I do feel reason will win out and we'll end up with the adults still in charge.